035. ꜱʟɪᴘ ᴜᴘ

ابدأ من البداية

Maybe I could say you're sick
and you need me or something

Don't bring me into this

Just be nice

I'm nice

How's my princess?

Im hungry
And tired
And annoyed
And sore

I meant my other princess 😭


It's starting already and
they're not even here yet


Baby stop fighting it
She got the same attitude as you

She kept kicking me when
I was rubbing your stomach

You got attitude too
Why're you so sassy baby?

Call me that again and
I'm canceling your
chipotle order


Wait you ordered me food🥹

Ofc I did
And when I get home
I'll give you a massage

You're too good for me
I love you

I love you more

I gtg do this stupid interview now

Like I said


OAKLEY WAS OVER THIS INTERVIEW. He hoped that his face wasn't showing what he was really feeling inside. Trying to be nice like Valentina advised he answered questions.

"Now, moving on to a more exciting topic." Ahlan crossed his legs and leaned back into the chair. "You and Valentina."

Oakley tilted his back a little to laugh. "I knew that was coming."

"You knew. So you guys are pretty locked in."

You have no idea. Oakley internally laughed in his head.

"I'm not trying to get in your guys business or anything but how did you guys come to where you are now?"

It didn't really bother Oakley that he asked him that. Any chance to talk about Valentina he took.

"Well, the people wanted us to collab. I remember getting tagged in one of her Instagram posts. And that's kind of how we got introduced to each other."

"Cheers to the people for real. Did you reach out first or was it her?"

"I did." He pointed to himself to make it known. "I slid into her dms bringing up the possibility of us making a song together. She was down and so was I."

"Nice, you guys made a banger too."

"Yeah all thanks to her. She carried." Oakley smirked.

ꜱᴛᴀʀɢɪʀʟ | 𝘊𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘊𝘦𝘦حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن