028. ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 5 💔

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"But he's your ex

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"But he's your ex."



Oakley kept trying to lunge for DDG but couldn't because Val was pushing him back. He got a good punch in but that was about it.

With all her might she used both her hands to keep him back. "Stop it, you're so embarrassing."

DDG gave the couple one unsure look before leaving them alone. Val let go of Oakley and took a few steps back to get a good look at him.

This was a whole other person right in front of her. Oakley? Fighting? He definitely had an attitude problem but he would never fight someone. And to do it on the one night that was just supposed to be hers.

Oakley turned away from her to calm himself down. This was really bad. Everything was going bad and he couldn't help but blame her for it.

"What?" Oakley noticed the angry look she was giving him. "Isn't this what you wanted?"

"I wanted my birthday to be ruined by my boyfriend?" She sarcastically replied.

"You ruined your birthday, okay? Not me." He angrily spit at her. "You knew how I felt about DDG and yet you invited him anyway. You think we were gonna shake hands and be cool or some shit?"

"Nah, I expected you to act like a man. Like actually grow the fuck up."

This whole situation was stupid. Oakley hated DDG based on the one reason that he was Val's ex. It's understandable for him to feel that way but he also needs to realize that not everything needs to be difficult. You can be friends with your ex and still not have feelings for them.

"And there you go defending him again. 'We're just friends'." Oakley mocked the same thing Val told him earlier in the car when they had that argument. "Do you know how dumb you sound? Nobody is just friends with their ex."

Val's eyebrows raised in astonishment. What did he just call her?

"Do you know how insecure you sound?" She spat back.

"Back at fashion week, you were being insecure. Trying to claim your territory with me when I was just having a single conversation with him. What's wrong with that?"

"He's your ex-"

"Okay? So. fucking. what?" She yelled. "You don't trust me or something?"

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