Your new name and age

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As promised as soon as morning came, Megatron went to Soundwave and asked for Cybertronian names that would fit you. You were in the medbay recharging. Knockout was doing more research on you while Breakdown was keeping an optic on you.

Knockout grabbed a scanner and scanned you. He mused over his findings and entered them into his console.

"What are you doing?" Breakdown asked

"Well Breakdown, my dear. I'm trying to find out how old the little spark is. After all they haven't done much aside from somewhat sitting up on their own when everyone was fussing over them yesterday."

"So do you have something?"

"My finding say that they are roughly 6 months old. Which is half a year on Earth. In 6 more months they will be a year old, what ever that means."

"Isn't that a lunar cycle?"

"No, I think it's a stellar cycle." He sighed, "Earth is confusing."

Megatron walked into the medbay, "How are they faring?"

"Still recharging." Knockout said, "I did however found out that they are 6 Earth months old. They should be sitting up, crawling, and saying small words and phrases."

"And have they done these things?"

"Aside from sitting up, no. We have to test it out when they come out of recharge." Knockout said

"Before I take my leave, I have a name for them... It's Torrent." With that he turned on his heel and left

"Torrent huh?" Breakdown mused, "I like it."


You were on the bridge laying down on this mat that Soundwave stole for you. It had colorful things hanging above your head keeping you entertained. 5T3VE was in his holoform keeping an optic on you. He was able to keep you from crying aside from Knockout and Soundwave. Megaton was gentle but he was more protective of you so was Breakdown.

Soundwave walked over to Megatron carefully stepping around you and the Vehicon.

"Yes Soundwave?" Megatron asked

His visor showed him an image of you on a missing persons poster. Megatron growled, "We aren't giving them back! We found them abandoned and alone."

"Just informing you." Soundwave said using various soundclips then walked away

Starscream took Sounwave's place and bowed before Megatron, "The energon mines have been progressing smoothly. No Autobot activity."

"Finally you have something good to report. Maybe I won't replace you with Torrent."

"Whose Torrent?" Starscream asked looking around a bit

Megaton gestures to you. Starscream looked at you with disgust as you turned over onto your stomach and crawled off of the mat and over to the mech. It took off of his strength to keep still as you placed your hands on one of his peds and began to hit it. You smiled and squealed happily at the sounds you were making.

"You, get this thing off of me." Starscream commanded

"No, leave them be." Megaton said

5T3V3 nods, and stayed put following Megaton's orders.

"You will have to take care of Torrent as well and they seem to like you Starscream." Megaton laughed

You stopped your little drumming session and chewed on your fist. The mech grimached and took a step back to keep your drool off of him. You fell forward but you didn't hurt yourself. You only laughed and crawled forward to reach Starscream, thinking he was playing a game.


Everyone on the Nemesis was growing agitated with your crying. You wouldn't stop no matter what. You didn't need to be changed or fed. You were getting plently of attention. They didn't know what was wrong, so 5T3V3 took you to the med bay to have Knockout scan you.

"They have some teeth growing in is all, which is normal at this age. Also they are likely to also get sick due to their teeth growing as well." He said activating his holoform to give you some origel to numb your gums, "That should help also getting her to chew on something cold and kinda hard will also help."

5T3V3 thanked him and took you back to the bridge and told Megaton what Knockout said. He was thankful that your crying stopped.

Megatron held you and observed you as you yawned and fell asleep in his hand. He got up and took you to his room and gently placed you in your berth.

"Lord Megatron we have an issue with one of the energon mines." Soundwave said from the doorway

"What is it?" He asked

"Autobots." Was all he said

Megaton growled and had Soundwave watch over you while he took care of the situation. Soundwave sent out Lazerbeak to watch over the situation so he would know to send back up or to activate a groundbridge to bring Megatron and the others back on board.

The door opened and Starscream was there, the two stared at each other for a moment.

"What do you want?" Soundwave asked using clips of Megatron's voice

"I was looking for Megaton, I didn't see him at the bridge." He said backing away from the door

"Do not harm Torrent." Again he used Megaton's voice

"You don't scare me Soundwave. I wasn't planning on doing anything to that disgusting thing." He scoffs and leaves

Soundwave looks down at you, "Don't worry, he actually likes you." He said using various voices as his visor displayed a happy face

You turned your head to face the other way and kicked some of the blanket off of you. Soundwave fixed the blanket as he activated a groundbridge. He played a soothing lullaby to drown out Megaton's shouting and yelling. You stirred a bit but stayed asleep, Soundwave would be damned if someone woke you up by being loud. Hell he would even be furious at Megaton himself if he woke you up with all of his yelling and shouting.

The warlord walked into his room, "Thank you Soundwave. Leave me be for a moment."

Soundwave nods and slowly stops the music as he exits the room and returns to his normal post. Megaton walks over to you and sees that your still asleep.

"You're going to do so many great things Torrent." He whispers

He grabs a datapad and starts a new entry about you. Almost like a baby album, but in a weird Cybertronian way.

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