Chapter 22 - A Meeting with Anos Voldigoad

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Alexia took a moment to read the highlighted portion, her heart sinking as she realized that his words were indeed true. The realization left her feeling even more bewildered. This unexpected turn of events was something she hadn't been prepared for at all.

Anos then mercilessly leaned forward, his gaze as terrifying as ever. "Moreover. Your father, King Klaus Midgar, is a dedicated ruler who has committed his whole life to the prosperity and stability of the Midgar Kingdom. Under his great rule, your human kingdom has enjoyed more peace and prosperity than most of your neighboring countries."

Alexia recoiled at his words, surprised at the extent of his knowledge about even the affairs of other countries.

She was momentarily speechless, her mind reeling with unanswered questions. Who was this man, truly? Could he really be the younger brother of that unassuming Pochi?! It seemed incomprehensible.

"Given that, do you truly believe that your father would propose a political marriage of such naive nature, especially given that he also knows full well the complexity and structure of the noble hierarchy?" Anos questioned, a knowing look in his eyes. "Or perhaps, this idea of 'promoting unity among the nobles' is not his, but rather... yours?"


"The very fact that we're having this discussion right now, paired with King Klaus's well-documented political intellect, suggests to me that you haven't even checked this idea with your father. If you had, he would have undoubtedly pointed out at least one or two of the inconsistencies I've just noted," Anos stated, his insight painting a clear picture of the situation.

For the first time ever in her life, Alexia felt a vulnerability so intense it was as though she stood naked, even though she was in fact fully dressed.

Caught in the web of her own deception, her heart throbbed violently against her ribcage. Terror widened her eyes, her body rendered immobile by the dread that he would react negatively, that he would bear no tolerance towards her dishonesty.

Rather than react, Anos comfortably reclined into his seat, a teasing grin gradually appearing on his countenance. "Deception isn't exactly your forte, Princess Alexia," he gently admonished, his voice imbued with a lightness that barely disguised the serious undercurrent of his words. Then, nonchalantly as if mentioning a trivial fact, he casually brought up one of her deepest secrets. "You know, perhaps it's time you took a hiatus from those antiquated romance novels and gave that neglected dark green tome, 'The Art of Deceit,' a chance. It might prove... enlightening."


Casually, as if discussing the weather, he referenced her hidden adoration for the old library tucked away in the palace's eastern wing.

A fact that was utterly private, something she'd never breathed a word about to another soul. A secret refuge where she could lose herself in the comforting embrace of ancient romance books and quiet solitude.

The realization that he knew such an intimate fragment of her life felt like a jolt of lightning, freezing her to the core. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, every pulse a testament to the paralyzing terror gripping her. This wasn't just casual knowledge; it was a window into her inner sanctum, something he shouldn't have had access to. Her world seemed to tilt, a sudden sensation of dread overwhelming her as she was confronted with the depth of Anos's knowledge about her.

"And what of Princess Iris's thoughts on this arranged betrothal?"

Alexia swallowed hard, the knot in her throat nearly choking her as she admitted, "She... did not take the news well," the memory of Iris's vehement reaction surfacing. "However, my father is steadfast in his resolution."

Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now