- chapter 2

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"Okay. Yes, start by covering the burns with antiseptic bandages. I'll send for more now", Tommy hands over some of the supplies to the man and speaks into her radio. "Dispatch. This is captain Vega with the 126. We need more supplies at the Notingham hotel. Sterile bandages and O2 masks".

"Copy that, Captain. They're ten minutes out".

"How can I help?"

She turns to see Carlos with a few other officers. Some are already helping people up as they wait for instruction.

"Everyone non-severe goes over there, two volunteers have set up triage and we'll focus on the worst first".

She hears a particularly loud, pained noise to her right and sees a man bleeding out from a gnarly gash on his thigh.

"Help! My husbands losing too much blood!" A woman shouts.

"Right, TK stop the bleeding. Nancy, I need your help with this gentleman".

The bleed on the mans thigh looks deep as the blood flows from it. He shifts from the pain and it starts gushing out.

"Nancy, get the tourniquet", Tommy shouts and puts pressure on the wound. "What's your name, sir?"

He doesn't seem to be able to talk at first. His mouth opens, but instead of words, he gasps.

"D-David", he manages to say.

"Its nice to meet you David, I'm Tommy and we're gonna try fix you up today. All I need from you is to stay awake, alright?"

"Uh, yes, yes", he nods as they start pulling the tourniquet tight. "AHHG".

"I know, it doesn't feel good", she tells him.

Even after tying it as far as she feels is safe, the bleeding is still running down his leg and onto the concrete below. His eyes start to droop and Tommy knows they need to do something else.

"Nance, we need to get fluids in him. Sir, can you stay awake please. Keep those eyes open. Tell me, were you visiting Austin today?"

Nancy works fast inserting an IV and squeezing the bag, praying it takes affect quickly. Her eyes focused on the changing beep of the heart rate monitor.

"I-I", he stutters. "My daughter was meant to meet me. She's-s running late. Thank god".

"Small miracles", Tommy smiles before turning to Nancy. "We need to cauterise this wound".

"In the field?" She responds, automatically looking down at the mans leg. "Isn't that too risky? I mean the risk of infection in a non-sterile environment is-"

"We need to do this", Tommy whispers forcefully. "We have no other choice. Get it ready".

They nod at each other and get to work. Tommy adjusts the man and cuts away more of his trousers until his entire thigh is showing.

"Push 5ml of morphine. Sir, this might hurt, but I need you to try and stay conscious for me, for your daughter, okay?"

She takes a breath, and holds out her hand.

"Nance, the cautery".

The small device feels heavier in her hands now she faces down at the injury. This will determine whether this man lives or dies. So she can't wait any longer. She pushes back the worry, like she usually does, and fills her head with her next steps.

"Hold him".

She lowers it down, the tip hovering, and she presses.

"AHHHHHHHH", he screams. "AHGGGH".

"Stay with me, David. I'm almost done".

She presses down again and again in small bursts. The smell of singed flesh fills her nose but she carries on until the blood stops flowing.

"David?" She questions as the man is barely coherent.

His head lolls to the side, small mutterings coming from his mouth. He's not fully awake, but he is alive.

The noise of other paramedics pulling into the car park sounds like music to her ears right now.

"David? These people are going to take you to the hospital and fix you up better. Do what they say and you'll be in good hands".

A crew arrives with a stretcher and David is pulled onto it and whisked away with only a few parting words.

"He needs broad spectrum antibiotics immediately!" Tommy tells them.

Her hand had barely left the bed when a scream sticks out among the others. They whip around to see a woman falling to her knees, hand on her throat as another looks on in shock.

"We're going to need more help for this one".

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