Chapter 17: Who You Are

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I laid down on the soft grass, next to Jonathan and I was looking up to the clouds; admiring their shape and contrast, "What are you thinking about?" Jonathan asked.

I glanced over at him and looked back up to the sky, "Nothing, and everything," I chuckled.

Jonathan looked back at me with a smile, "Never be afraid to sit a while and think..."

I turned my head towards him, and smiled. I started to run my hand across the grass, feeling the wildflowers at my fingertips and I felt my hand brush against Jonathan's. My breathing hitched, I continued to look at the clouds, and I felt Jonathan softly grab my hand and bring it to his lips to kiss it.

I looked at him surprised and he smiled at me. I sat up, brought my knees up to my chest and rested my arms on my legs.

"What's wrong?" Jonathan asked concerned.

"I don't know what this is...?"

Jonathan looked back at me confused and said, "What do you want it to be?"

I picked my head up from my knees, "I'm not sure I want it to be anything..."

Jonathan sat up, and crossed his legs, "What?"

"I just don't want to label least not now..." I said gently, "I just never expected this to happen..."

Jonathan squinted his eyes, as he looked up at the sky and back towards me, "Life is full of surprises..."


"I understand," Jonathan said with a small smile.

I looked up at him and smiled, "You do?"

"Yea, I mean I never expected this to happen either and well I know where you're coming from," Jonathan explained.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No, problem..." he smiled, he picked up a flower and placed it behind my ear.

I smiled at him and giggled. We sat there for a couple of seconds looking at each other deep in the eyes, "Jonathan," I said breaking the silence.

"Yea," he answer while still looking into my eyes.

I looked away towards the water, "What did you think of me before?" I asked.

Jonathan sighed, and I turned my attention towards him, "What did you think of me?" he countered back sort of playfully.

"You know what I thought of you," I rolled my eyes, "Besides I asked you first. What did you really think about me?"

Jonathan chuckled, "You were nic-"

I cut him off, "No, no, your real thoughts."

Jonathan's smiled faded, and his face grew serious, "I liked you a lot, I thought you were great and unique," he looked at me with seriousness, "There was one thing that always got my attention," he added.

"What was that?" I said not able to breathe.

"Your eyes..." he whispered.

I slightly blushed, and looked away from him, "Why didn't you ever tell me this?"

"I was a jerk," he stated plain, and simple, "I tried to fit in too much."

I looked down at the flower I had picked from the ground, and started to pick of the petals one by one, "And I still fell for you..." I whispered, "I was fool..." I added with pain.

"Arden, I'm not that person and I will never be that person again. I was stupid."

"I guess we've both changed," I said, and discarded the stem that was in my hand.

"Why now?" I asked with hurt.

"Huh?" he asked confused.

"Is it because I look different?"

"Arden, you were always beautiful to me, and you always will be..."

"Flattering gets you nowhere," I said while arching an eyebrow.

Jonathan slid closer to me and said, "Where do my lips get me?"

I chuckled and looked at him hesitantly, "I don't know. Where do you want them to be?"

"," Jonathan said, while leaning into me and placing a gentle kiss right on my lips.
Let me know what you guys think! XD
QOTD: The Lost Boys or Interview With The Vampire?

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