1. Drugged And Abducted

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Authors Note: Her outfit is up top. Also I wanted to let y'all know that this "_" means when they are talking and this '_' is when they are thinking.

I lean my head back against the wall of the cage like structure that I'm locked into and think about how I came to be in this otherworldly place.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


It started out as a normal day. Beep Beep Beep I woke up to my alarm clock blaring, I looked over and turned off the alarm and at the same to see how early it was, it was only 8:00 AM. I groaned wanting to go back to sleep but knowing I wouldn't be able to. I yawned sitting up and stretching my arms, and arched my back until it gave a little crack, then uncovered my legs and swung them off the side of the bed, but as soon as my feet touched the floor I squealed and jerked my feet right back onto the bed.

'why is the floor so cold, and why didn't I put my black fluffy house slippers by the bed.' I thought to myself. I looked around my room for them and found them by the heater. "Oh that's why I didn't put them by the bed" I said to myself

"Okay Emily you got this its just freezing cold floor just hurry up and run as fast as you can to your warm fluffy slippers then your feet won't be cold just hurry up, you got this come on its just cold floor then you can take a warm relaxing shower. Okay on three." I said out loud hyping myself up.

"Three" I swung my legs back off the bed but made sure not to put my feet on the floor yet. "Two" Took a deep breath. "One!" I jumped out of bed and ran across the room to my slippers and hurry up and put them on. "Phew" I breathed a sigh of relief. 'now I can take a warm relaxing shower.' I walked to my closet and opened it to find something to wear when I get out of the shower. I picked a gray tank top, some dark gray stretchy leggings, a long cardigan, and some cute underwear that has a cupcake design on it. 'I'm not going anywhere today so I don't have to wear a bra.' I decided as I was looking at my bras. That settled I took my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I placed my clothes on the cute little rack on the wall beside the shower, and since my towel was already hanging up on the hook beside the rack I started undressing. I just got my sleep shorts off when I remembered I still needed socks so I went back to my bedroom, and went to the bed side table that has three drawers that I keep my socks in. (I know three drawers full of socks I sound crazy right? But don't judge me, I LOVE SOCKS. Especially fluffy ones.)

I picked out some fluffy gray socks that had a cute white cloud design and went back to the bathroom. I closed the bathroom door so the heat would stay in when I got in the shower, and finished undressing and stepped out of my slippers and put them by the door. I turned on the shower so that it would be hot but not too hot, and stepped inside and closed the curtain. I stepped under the spray of water, "ahh" I released a sigh of pleasure as the hot water ran over me and soothed my muscles.

I tilted my head up towards the warm spray of water and let my hair get wet, then I chose my strawberry scented shampoo opened it poured some in my hands then lathered my hair with it.

I began quietly singing my song that I wrote while washing my hair.

"Creepy songs are like lullabies for the dead"

I get done washing my hair then I rinse it and start washing my body with my vanilla body wash.

"La lala lalala la la la la lalaaa"

"Rest in peace and sing a song cause creepy songs are like lullabies for the dead"

I finish washing and rinsing my body and turn the shower off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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