Arc 1- chapter 1 battle of Denerim and transfer

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Denerim chantry, during the battle of Denerim
Adwen and his fellow templars are defending the Denerim chantry from hordes of darkspawn, they are going all out on keeping the darkspawn from breaching the chantry but more keep coming like a flood. But the templars are still determined to hold the line as they are hoping to hold of the darkspawn until the grey wardens kill the archdemon. Adwen is currently alongside the knight-lieutenant his commanding officer, fighting off the darkspawn.

Knight-lieutenant: Come on lads! Keep fighting till the wardens slay that ugly flying lizard!

Adwen continues to fight on alongside his comrades as best they can, inspired by the knight-lieutenant's words. Adwen cuts down many hurlocks while using his shield to shield him from the genlocks who are firing arrows at him. Adwen then charges at the genlocks while continuing to block their arrows, and soon reaches them and starts hacking at the genlocks like a madman. Adwen then sees a shriek who appears behind the knight-lieutenant.

Adwen: Knight-Lieutenant!

The knight-lieutenant is then slashed multiple times by the shriek, Adwen runs to the shriek at a very fast pace and knocks the shriek on it's back before stabbing and killing it. Then he checks on the knight-lieutenant hoping that he is okay.

Adwen: Sir, are you alright?

Knight-lieutenant: (dying breath) Adwen hold the line no matter what (coughs) till that lizard is de-

The knight-lieutenant dies in Adwen's arms, Adwen that looks around and sees his fellow templars who are all horrified and afraid as their moral dropped after witnessing the death of their commanding officer.

Templar 1: The knight-lieutenants dead!

Templar 2: What do we do?!

Templar 3: We should get out of here!

Adwen's fellow templars start to argue among themselves at what to do next, many of the voices are filled with terror after seeing their commanding officer die. Adwen decides to say something about it.

Adwen: Enough! The knight-lieutenant ordered us to hold the line and we hold it! Or all the deaths of our comrades will be for nothing! So, come on we have to hold the line till the wardens slay the archdemon!

The mood changes among Adwen's fellow templars and they all prepare for the next wave of darkspawn, which comes almost immediately and a ogre suddenly appears in front of the next wave.

Ogre: (roars!)

The ogres roar and it's sudden appearance strikes fear into the hearts of Adwen's fellow templars. Adwen sees this and decides to run up to the ogre and jumps at the ogre with his sword and stabs the ogre in the chest repeatedly until the ogre collapses and dies. The victory though is short lived as a spell come flying and hits and kills a nearby templar, Adwen looks and sees that it was a hurlock emissary.

Adwen: (exhausted) You got to be kidding me.

Adwen then charges the hurlock emissary who casts spells at Adwen, one hits Adwen and pushes him hard into a hard wall. Despite this Adwen is still determined and gets up and charges at the hurlock emissary and engages in a duel with the emissary, the duel is fierce, with Adwen struggling due to exhaustion. The emissary knocks Adwen's sword out of his hand and about to deal the finishing blow on Adwen with it's staff. But, Adwen pulls out his mother's dagger and blocks the emissary's attack, Adwen then hits the emissary multiple times with his shield until the emissary is dead. Adwen the collapses on one knee due to exhaustion wither sweat on his forehead.

Adwen:(panting) Bloody darkspawn

Suddenly another wave of darkspawn starts to arrive, Adwen grabs his sword and slowly starts to get up, but notices a bright light beam going up in the sky at fort Drakon. Adwen, realizes the archdemon has been slain as he witnesses the darkspawn fleeing the field. Adwen hears the cheers off his comrades as he collapses due to exhaustion.

(one week later, Denerim)
Adwen's POV
It has been one week since the battle of Denerim, I woke up in a infirmary after collapsing a day later and I found out that out of the 100 us that were defending the chantry, only 10 of us, including me survived not counting the ones who were injured and corrupted by the darkspawn taint. I am currently conversing with a fellow Templar and friend named Lance who was also defending the chantry during the battle of Denerim.

Lance: Did you hear what happened to the injured who got darkspawn taint?

Adwen: No

Lance: Well I heard they were all shipped of to amaranthine.

Adwen: The place that was given to the grey wardens?

Lance: Yes, and weren't you offered to join them?

Adwen: Yes, but I refused.

Lance: why?

Adwen: Well I wanted to live longer and not die the way they do.

Lance: Oh! Fair point.

Adwen: Also what do you think will happen to the late arl Howe's children, now that their family no longer has any right to amaranthine?

Lance: Well, in my opinion I bet those brats will not last outside of their pampered lives.

Both me and Lance laugh at what Lance said until a fellow Templar approaches them both

Templar: which one of you is Adwen?

We stop laughing

Adwen: I am Adwen.

Templar: Knight-Commander Greagoir wants to see you in the chantry.

After receiving this news I go to the Denerim chantry and enter it, then I find Knight-Commander Greagoir and speak with him

Adwen: Knight-Commander Greagoir, you wanted to see me sir?

Greagoir: Ah! Adwen yes I wanted to speak to you about your actions during the battle of Denerim, is it true that you took charge of your fellow templars after your commanding officer fell?

Adwen: Yes sir!

Greagoir: Well Adwen, after hearing hearing of your great feats, I have decided to promote you to knight-corporal as a reward.

Adwen: (surprised) Sir, I am honored, but I am-

Greagoir: No don't give me that! You earned it, and also have you heard of Kirkwall?

Adwen: Yes that city state in the free marches that was once owned by the Tevinter imperium why?

Greagoir: Well during the blight many Fereldens fled to Kirkwall, we believe some of them may be apostates. I am transferring knight-captain Cullen there, I will also be transferring a group of templars with him. I was wondering if you would join them.

I ponder at what if I should accept or not, it would give me the opportunity to move to a different location. Like I did before with my father, I decide to accept as I get the opportunity to see a new place.

Adwen: I accept! But can I request my friend Lance be transferred with me?

Greagoir: Accepted, we need all we can get in case there are to many apostates in Kirkwall. You leave in 6 months, as we still need to deal with the aftermath at the circle.

I leave the chantry to tell Lance of the news.

End chapter 1

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