The silence was hard for Eddie to sit with. It made him shift and fidget. He kept opening and closing his menu even though he knew what he was going to order.

"Do you... know what you want," he ventured slowly, nudging Billy with his shoulder. Billy only swayed with the gesture but gave no other sign that he'd even registered the action. There was a pause and for a second Eddie wondered if Billy wasn't going to just keep his silence, but instead, Billy only gruffed, "My own business. And then I'm going to mind it."

Across the table, Steve deflated, flicking the base of the small tower of creamers he was creating and sending the little cups scattering across the table. Eddie felt much the same way, tucking himself into the corner of the booth to give Billy the space he very clearly wanted and needed. No, Eddie had not expected them all to fall madly in love at first sight. But he hadn't expected Billy to go fully cornered animal on them both.

"What about you, Stevie?" Eddie was very aware of the overcompensation of cheer dripping from his voice. It was too bright. Too loud, even for him. Steve's lips turned down into a frown in reaction, clearly clocking Eddie's concern. "Anything catch your eye?"

Thankfully, however, he said nothing and played along, glancing back along the shiny surface of the laminated menu and answering, "usually breakfast for me is just something quick and a coffee. Probably going to stick to that." He flicked the menu shut andleaned back with a shrug. "Our cafe gets their muffins from this place, so maybe one of those. What about you, Munson?"

Eddie was opening his mouth to rattle off his order when a voice so quiet that he almost missed it sounded from behind the manu-fortress that Billy had erected around him.

"You should eat more."

It drew Steve's eyes to him, his pretty lips forming a confused little circle as he watched the wall of lamination before him, his eyes trained on the menu-shield, mind clearly searching for something to say. Tentatively, Eddie stepped in.

"Okay..." and Billy's head turned ever so slightly towards the sound of his voice. "What would 'more' look like?"

Eddie could only just make out the shrug of Billy's broad shoulders. He glanced at Steve who was flicking his gaze between the two of them, but bit his lips together. Because he kind of... well... not really kind of... less than that really... but Eddie had a vague feeling of what steps he needed to take next. He could feel it like he could feel words on the tip of his tongue when they danced away from his grasp. The problem was that it was risky. Beyond risky, as a matter of fact. It could backfire. Billy could retreat further into himself as Eddie tentatively took the reigns that he wasn't even certain he was being offered. He could trigger some kind of defense that he wasn't aware of -- Neil Hargove had been a bit of an open secret, but no one truly knew how he mistreated his son. Just that Billy went home without a black eye and came to school the next day with one. And even that was explained away with rumors of fights. Billy had even been blamed for some muggings and robberies in town a few times. But beyond suspected physical abuse, Eddie had no idea if Neil restricted Billy's diet. He hadn't said anything in the time that they had been hanging out but... Billy wasn't well known for being an open book.

Or it could be exactly what the blond needed. It could take some of the weight off his shoulders. Let his hands rest for a second, no longer having to maintain his grip on everything for just a moment. Eddie might even pass some kind of test that Billy was laying down for him. Billy had been leaving these little breadcrumbs for Eddie, like letting him grind up and roll their joints like he didn't know how. Like how Eddie always handled the ordering for food when they shared take out for dinner, armed only with a shrug or an occassional "whatever" from him in the way of preferences. Like how Billy always cast Eddie a look before making an decisions when they were together, a look that Eddie was afraid to think looked like he was asking for permission .

To Heal All WoundsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin