Requested! Hunter X Shy!Human!Reader

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Thank you WinterBlue_angel22 for requesting something from me
ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
I hoe you enjoy it I tried my best :')

Let's be honest here hunter did not like you at first
With how problematic luz is
He would assume your the same
You are both humans
But no he was wrong
Very wrong
You were incredibly shy
Thats why your friends with luz I gusse?
The two of you first met late at a market
Of course he knew who your were
Your wanted posters proved that
Even after he betrayed belos he didn't talk to you all that much
Tho you did talk to him either did you?
It took alot for the others to get you two into a conversation
And ya know what?
It went great!
Hunter like your shyness just then relizeing how diffrent you were to luz
And of course after some time feelings arise
Of course you are  not going to confess yourself
I doubt hunter will either knowing him
It took even more pushing from the others to FINALLY get you two to confess
Once you finally do start dateing boy is he nervous!
Though so are you so twinzies
It would take weeks for him to get comfortable with any contact and such
But when he is?
That kid is clingy!
Of course you don't mind
With how touch starved he is it's a givin
That dosent stop him worrying he's being annoying
You'll have to reassure him that's he's fine
He even bring your confidante up a bit!
I can see him using his 'golden guard persona' to help
Like when papyrus was training alphys to be confident?
(undertale reference)
Also cuddle
Many of them
With many many plushies
No seriously both of you could drown in the amount

Was that good? I'm not sure my writeing styles weird hehe
Bye bye ●ᴥ●

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