"What's going on out here?" Wyatt asked as he and Topher walked out of their bedrooms. 

"Yeah, heard a door slam." Topher agreed. 

"Griffin." Harper stated sadly. 

"Didn't he have a date?" Wyatt asked, confused as to why he was home so early. 

"Yeah, with that Lila girl." Topher confirmed. 

"We thought so too. He came in the house looking really upset and stormed right upstairs. Harp and I are gonna check on him. You guys coming?" Zoey asked. The boys nodded and followed the two girls as Zoey gently rapped on his door. 

Griffin opened the door with teary, red, eyes and everyone immediately flushed into the room asking him if everything was okay. He explained what had happened and everyone comforted him. 

"I know you loved her, but it's over, Griff." Zoey said sadly hugging her brother tight. Griffin picked his phone up and clicked on her contact. 

"Maybe if I text her, we can work this out." Griffin offered, pleading. 

"No, Griffin, put the phone down." Topher said. 

"I know its not easy to walk away, but it's time to let her go." Harper stated sadly, rubbing his back. 

"You'll be okay." Wyatt assured. 

And my friends say, I know you loved her but it's over, mate. It doesn't matter put the phone away. It's never easy to walk away, let her go. It'll be alright. 

The next morning, Griffin had barely gotten any sleep, crying and reading the text messages him and Lila had sent each other. They had always talked about forever and how much they loved each other. But Lila got high one time, and forgot every promise she'd ever made. Griffin began to overthink everything, wondering if all of this was his fault, sending him into a spiral of panic and desperation. 

So I still look back at all the messages you'd sent, and I know it wasn't right but it was messing with my head. 

Later that day, Griffin managed to pull himself out of bed and get dressed for the day. He climbed into his truck and drove back to Lila's house. He knocked on the door once more, feeling a sense of deja vu from the previous night. She opened the door before he could knock again. 

"Griffin?" Lila asked, confused as to why her ex boyfriend was standing on her doorstep like a lost puppy. 

"Lila, I've always loved you and I can't let you go. I know you made a mistake, but I forgive you, everything can be fine between us again! Please, I need you to come back." Griffin pleaded. Lila sighed and stayed silent, looking away from Griffin. He reached out and turned her face to look at him. With that, none other than Luke, the boy Lila had cheated on Griffin with, stepped out from around the corner. 

"Yo, what's going on, Lils?" Luke asked. Griffin was flabbergasted. 

1. Luke was using HIS name for Lila. 

2. Why TF was he in her house? 

and 3. Griffin just wanted to crawl into a black hole of sadness and just disappear. 

"Lila? What the hell?" Griffin asked quietly, looking down and turning a bright shade of red. 

"Griffin look, I got high with Luke, that part wasn't a lie. But I actually love him. I just decided to make you hate me so I could let you down easier. I thought I was doing the right thing. I'm sorry, Griffin, but you should probably head home." He nodded sadly and sobbed as he drove his truck home. 

And everything deleted like the past, yeah it was gone. And when I touched your face, I could tell you're moving on. But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday, its the feeling of betrayal that I just can't seem to shake. And everything I know tells me that I should walk away, but I just wanna stay. 

He finally got home to find Harper waiting for him with open arms sitting on his bed when he got back to the hotel. 

He told her everything and she comforted once more, just like she had done the night before. They watched movies and played games together, they did anything to take Griffin's mind off of the heartbreak he'd experienced. 

And my friends say, I know you love her but its over, mate. It doesn't matter put the phone away. It's never easy to walk away, let her go. It'll be alright. It's gonna hurt for a bit of time, so bottoms up lets forget tonight. You'll find another and you'll be just just fine, let her go. 

It had been a few months. Griffin was doing significantly better. As for Lila, she was now in the hospital after getting high with Luke one too many times. Luke was in an overdose induced coma and Lila was unstable. Griffin wished them both the best, but was genuinely happy that he had gotten himself out of that relationship before that had been him instead of Luke. 

Griffin had moved on and Harper and him had been going on strong in their relationship for about 3 months now. Both of them couldn't be happier and Griffin's mental health was increasing day by day. 

Nothing heals the past like time. And they can't steal the love your born to find. Nothing heals the past like time. And they can't steal the love your born to find. 

I know you love her but its over, mate. It doesn't matter put the phone away. It's never easy to walk away, let her go. It'll be alright. It's gonna hurt for a bit of time, so bottoms up lets forget tonight. You'll find another and you'll be just just fine, let her go, it'll be alright. It'll be alright. It'll be alright. It'll be alright. 


hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot! see you next time! please don't smoke or vape it could cause serious problems and I love you and care about you guys so so so so so so much! 

Love that Lasts (SOSS) (Harper x Griffin) (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now