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hello again this is part one of my Wattpad. enjoy :)


"Aether come on we're gonna be late for orientation!!!" I called

"Lumine calm down orientation isn't for another half hour we have time," a boy with blond hair said struggling with two suitcases

"Well hurry up I don't wanna be late!!" I yelled

"Lumi come on you can wait. You're the one who made me drag your suitcase up the stairs" Aether said

"It was heavy," I said

"Then why did you pack so much stuff in here," Aether said struggling with my suitcase

"Hurry up!!" I said

I walked towards the main building of Teyvat University where Aether and I will be studying for the next few months. I see many people also walking towards the entrance. A girl with pink hair and animal ears piques my interest but I just ignore her. I turn around to look for my brother and trip on a pile of Gucci suitcases

"Ugh watch where you're walking you're gonna dent my Gucci suitcases," a girl with pale blue hair says

"I'm so sorry," I say getting up

"Ugh stupid freshmen," the girl says

I walk around trying to find Aether when I find him by the front entrance

"Lumine there you are i was looking for you!" aether says

"Ya I can take my suitcase now," I say taking the light blue suitcase from him

We walk around, following the crowd, to the auditorium where we find a seat.

" Welcome freshmen and returning students to a new semester here at Teyvat University," the headmaster says "Your schedules should be on a table outside you will get it after this assembly"

"Do you think we'll be in any classes together?" I ask Aether

"I'm not sure sis," Aether says

"Along with your schedules, you will receive a dorm number and key. You will share the dorm with 3 other people. Now onto the rules: no walking around after 10 pm for your safety and other students. If you ever find yourself in the situation that you're studying in the library late one night and lose track of time, please ask one of the security guards to walk you to your dorm" he gestures to the security guards standing around the outskirts of the room "Two: Please do not keep food in your dorm unless it's in your dorm refrigerator we don't want another insect infestation," he says nodding to some senior students "And three: under no circumstances are you allowed to bring monsters into your dorms. No hilichurls, abyss mages, and no ruin monsters unless it follows the guidelines like no weapons, dangerous attacks, etc. Now that sums up our rules if you want to know more details about the rules they are on the school website. I will now dismiss each section each section will get their schedule, dorm number, and map of the school. Section one you are dismissed"

We waited for our section to be dismissed and went to get our schedules.

"What dorm number are you lumine?" aether asks

"Dorm 3D. You?" I ask

"Dorm 3A. We're on the same floor at least" Aether says

"Let's go try and find our dorms now!" I say


Thank you for reading my first chapter if you have any suggestions on characters you wanna see or ships you wanna see just comment :)

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