To the right, it sounded like a tree was falling. The creak of old wood and the thud of its weight on the ground. Garth heard it again, only closer. He couldn't see anything, but despite that, he heard another one fall.

"Hello?" Garth shouted into the woods. No one answered. Now he was nervous. Garth backed away slowly from the spot where the noise was coming from. Another tree fell, followed by another, and another. Garth had no idea what to think other than that whatever was in there had sped up.

Suddenly, a tree in his view fell, breaking away from its roots and hitting the ground. Another tree a bit farther back on Garth's path fell. Whatever this thing was, it was either big or fast. He didn't want to find out.

Garth picked up his pace and darted around trees, trying to lose whatever this thing was. The trees behind him started to fall, crashing to the ground and picking up dust. Garth started to run, whatever was chasing him getting closer. If this was Scar, he would kill the wolf himself.

He heard barking and turned to look beside him. Scar was running toward him out of the trees, his red eyes frantic and warning. Ok, not Scar or a squirrel.

"Can I kill this thing?" Garth asked the wolf, finding energy he didn't know he had. Scar just kept barking, running at him at full speed. Whatever was chasing Garth was now on his heels. Just waiting for him to trip.

Instantly, Garth was rammed in the side and launched to the left. He rolled across the ground, not stopping until he hit a tree. The impact toppled the already weak trunk. Garth groaned as he looked up. Scar was standing above him, scoping the area for that thing.

"Where'd you go?" Garth moaned as he sat up. Scar stayed quiet, just looking around. Garth didn't hear anymore trees falling. Silence filled the forest once again.

"I hate this place," Garth voiced. The wolf nodded.

"Lilac, quit worrying," Isabella groaned for the twentieth time. Amanda, Lilac, and Edward had returned to the girls' room to find Isabella and Richard. They had explained everything going on. Including Garth's unwillingness to let anyone go along with him. Lilac had been staring out the window whenever she wasn't pacing.

"I can't help it," Lilac whined, getting down from the window and sitting on her bed. "If someone had gone with him, I would feel better." Edward crossed his arms.

"You mean if you had gone with him, you would feel better," he rephrased. The princess smiled sheepishly.


"Lilac," Edward continued, sitting beside her, "Garth can handle himself. Yes, he has no idea how to use a sword, but he's resourceful."

"And a prince apparently," Richard muttered. Isabella nudged him, hearing his words. Sadly, everyone else heard also.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Amanda questioned the boy. Richard glared.

The School for Good and Evil Prequel The Never Prince (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now