A deep breath escapes her lips, and she closes her eyes, shutting out the visual distractions of the physical world. The Force, a current that courses through the galaxy and binds all living things, responds to her innate connection. The wind seems to carry with it the echoes of ancient voices—whispers that transcend time and space.

In that moment of meditation, Avalon taps into the wellspring of power that lies within her. She is the granddaughter of Anakin Skywalker, a name etched in the annals of Jedi history. The same power that once flowed through the veins of the Chosen One now courses through hers.

Avalon senses it—the luminous threads of the Force weaving through her, connecting her to a legacy that spans generations. It's not a visual manifestation, not the familiar sight of Anakin's spectral form, but a profound feeling that emanates from the very core of her being.


The Force, with its mysterious ways, reveals to Avalon that even in the absence of direct guidance, the legacy of her family carries within it the seeds of hope. Anakin Skywalker, who once succumbed to the darkness and later found redemption, becomes a beacon of resilience in her heart.

Avalon's eyes snap open, revealing a newfound clarity. The stars in her eyes, no longer clouded by uncertainty, shine with an inner luminosity—a reflection of the strength she draws from her lineage.

"Hope," She whispers to herself, a mantra that reverberates in the air.

Rey, observing from a respectful distance, senses the shift in Avalon's aura.

Avalon turns to face Rey, her gaze meeting the girl from nowhere with a determined spark. The stars in Avalon's eyes, now alight with purpose, reflect the resolve that courses through her veins.

"Rey," Avalon addresses her, the wind carrying her words to the far reaches of Ahch-To, "I can teach you the ways of the Force. I can teach you to be a Jedi."

Rey's eyes widen, a mix of surprise and curiosity dancing in their depths. The stars in her eyes, like twin galaxies reflecting the possibilities ahead, hold the glimmer of a destiny yet to unfold.

"But Master Skywalker..." Rey begins, uncertain of what Avalon's proposal might mean for the Jedi Master's role.

Avalon nods, her expression serious yet reassuring, "The Force," she raises her hand, fingers stretching towards the sky, "is not confined to the teachings of one Jedi. It's a part of everything, and it's time we embrace that truth."

The wind picks up, as if nature itself is acknowledging the weight of Avalon's words. The stars in her eyes, carriers of ancestral wisdom, reflect the commitment she feels to the sacred duty of passing on the knowledge she has inherited.

Rey takes a tentative step forward, a sense of purpose emerging within her.

"Can you really teach me?" She asks, her voice a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

Avalon smiles, the stars in her eyes becoming beacons of encouragement, "I can teach you what I know."

Rey's eyes light up with a newfound hope, a sense of destiny intertwining with the currents of the Force. The stars in her eyes, once distant and uncertain, now align in a cosmic dance with Avalon's.

They find a secluded spot on Ahch-To, surrounded by the echoes of the Force and the ancient stones that whisper tales of the past. The air is filled with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of the sea, providing a serene backdrop to their training.

Avalon takes a deep breath, attempting to find the right words to convey the intricacies of the Force. She's well-versed in its ways, having learned from her grandfather Anakin Skywalker's force ghost, but the challenge lies in translating the intuitive understanding into a coherent teaching.

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