The tension escalates as they navigate the labyrinthine corridors, each step a deliberate dance between evasion and progress. Then, around a corner, they come across a figure—a scavenger draped in desert robes.

Finn's eyes widen in recognition, and he places a finger to his lips, signaling for quiet. Avalon, her gaze following Finn's lead, catches sight of the mysterious figure. Her breath catches as the scavenger turns, revealing a face that carries the weight of both hardship and resilience.

Rey, the girl from nowhere, stands before them, her eyes a mirror reflecting the vastness of the unknown. Finn, having shared his own journey with Rey, approaches her with a mixture of relief and concern.

Avalon, however, remains frozen in the shadows, her gaze fixed on Rey's face—a face that seems to radiate a quiet strength amidst the chaos of the Starkiller Base. The girl's beauty, both ethereal and grounded, leaves Avalon momentarily breathless.

Rey's eyes, accustomed to scanning the horizon for hope in the deserts of Jakku, meet Avalon's. There's a pause—an exchange of unspoken understanding that transcends words. In that moment, the stars in Avalon's eyes reflect the resilience and beauty she sees in Rey.

Finn, sensing the weight of the silent encounter, introduces Avalon to Rey with a subtle nod. Avalon, finding her voice, manages a quiet, "Hi."

Rey nods in acknowledgment, a faint smile playing on her lips.

The base pulses with an ominous energy as Han Solo, haunted by the specter of his son's fall, confronts Kylo Ren on the perilous bridge. Rey, Finn, and Avalon, caught in the crossfire of a family's shattered destiny, watch with bated breath.

Avalon, her heart heavy with the weight of familial strife, stands alongside Rey and Finn as they witness the unfolding tragedy. The stark bridge, suspended against the backdrop of the weaponized planet, becomes a stage for a confrontation that echoes through the corridors of destiny.

As Han Solo faces Kylo Ren, the air thickens with a sense of impending doom. Avalon, the stars in her eyes now obscured by the shadows of betrayal, clutches her chest as the agony of witnessing her family's fracture sears through her soul.

The confrontation unfolds with a heartbreaking inevitability. Han, desperately reaching out to the remnants of the son he once knew, pleads for Kylo Ren to come back. The crimson glow of Kylo's lightsaber casts an eerie light on their strained faces, a visual representation of the conflict that has torn their family asunder.

Avalon's breath catches as she watches the exchange, her connection to the Force amplifying the emotional resonance of the moment. The echoes of a once-unbreakable bond reverberate through the bridge, drowned out by the hum of the Starkiller Base's destructive power.

Then, as the shadows deepen, Kylo Ren makes a choice—a choice that severs the last tethers of family ties. The lightsaber ignites, casting a harsh glow on Han Solo's face, and the bridge becomes a stage for an irreversible tragedy.

Time slows as Kylo Ren strikes, and the echoes of the lightsaber's deadly hum fill the air. Han Solo, a hero of the Rebellion, falls—betrayed by the very blood that once bound them together.

Avalon's world shatters.

Her scream, a raw and visceral force, pierces the air. The sound, a manifestation of her heart's torment, reverberates through the corridors of the Starkiller Base. The stars in her eyes flicker, dulled by the overwhelming darkness that engulfs her.

Kylo Ren, his eyes fixed on the lifeless form of Han Solo, looks up. The bridge becomes a stage where the past and present collide—a battlefield of emotions laid bare.

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