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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・
As he made his way into the forest, the boy noticed something odd..

It wasn't like your average forest, oh no. Sparkles seen everywhere along with thousands of flower filled vines that corrupted the trees.

Jooyeon couldn't believe it. Everything felt so unreal. Like he was in a fantasy story.

"Hey!" a voice yelled. "Human! what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Jooyeon flipped his head around and saw a boy with platinum blond hair and green fairy wings. Was this a fairy forest?

"Well are you gonna talk or what?" asked the boy as he put his hands on his hips, visibly annoyed.

Jooyeon shrugged. "Well, I don't even know where I am!" He exclaimed, "Is this some kind of fairy forest or something?"

The fairy rolled his eyes. "Well aren't you smart. You want a cookie?" He asked sarcastically.

Jooyeon grinned and nodded. "Yes?! Can you get me one?!"

"Oh my god you're helpless." He spoke. "How about you go run off to your human home now, I'm sure you'll find loads of cookies there."

"Oooohhh yeah so about that I actually don't have a human home,, do you know what an orphan is?"

"No, what is that?" Said the fairy. "Of course I know what an orphan is! Gosh, do you think just because I'm some magical creature I know nothing?!"

Jooyeon shrugged again. "Well, I don't know!! I'm not a fairy!!"

"Okay whatever, Cmon kid." He spoke as he began to walk further into the forest.

Jooyeon's face lit up as he followed the fairy deeper into the enchanted forest. "I can't believe you're letting me into the forest!"

The blond rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah no big deal. Just stay by my side and it'll be fine."

Jooyeon nodded. "You go it Fairy-Man."

He cringed at the unexpected nickname. "That's disgusting, just call me by my name, please."

"Okay, wait-- what is your name?"

"Jungsu." The fairy sighed out.

"Alright Jungsu!!" His gaze quickly moved forward to the rest of the forest, and boy was it gorgeous.

There were mushroom houses, there was this one castle looking mushroom that looked super cool. Fairy lights (get it) hanging everywhere you looked, and of course, loads of fairies.

"Welcome to Pluto."

"But we're on earth?"

"It's the name of the forest." Jungsu said as they continued to walk. "Oh, yeah, over there's the castle, where the king and the two prince's live."

Jooyeon nodded. "Who are the prince's?"

"Their names are Gunil and Hyeongjun. Gunil's 17, Hyeongjun is 15." Said the fairy.

"Cool, Cool. Do you talk to them at all?"

Jungsu shrugged. "Sometimes, I mean I do work at the castle so that's the only reason I talk to them."

"That's awesome!" Exclaimed the younger. "Are you like-- A knight?!"

He scoffed. "Hell no! I just clean! I would rather eat a toad then be a knight!"

"Oh." Jooyeon said as he continued to walk beside Jungsu. "Who else works at the castle?"

"Well there's Jiseok who cooks,okay he's just the cooks son but he's always roaming around the kitchen, he's my bestfriend. And then there's Seungmin who's in charge of making the prince's clothing."

"Ahh alright, that's cool. What do the prince's do though?"

Jungsu groaned. "How many more questions are you going to ask kid?! But they don't do anything, sometimes they come out into town. Other than that, they just sit on their thrones and look pretty."

Jooyeon nodded as he continued to look around the forest, everything was just so.. magical.

"Alright kiddo enough dilly-dallying, we gotta get you some wing. And I know just the guy to make you some." Jungsu grabbed Jooyeons arm and made their way to that certain fairy's mushroom.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・

I'm better off, woah-oh-oh."

"I'm better off, woah-oh-oh."

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・

a/n:: alr first chapter how we feeling, idk if this will be updated a lot cus im writing all the drafts in my notebook (like irl notevo

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