Chapter 4

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Y/N's POV:

The game was finally over, and I collapsed on a nearby block and just hung over it.

"That was exhausting.." I sighed.

"If you thought that what was exhausting, then I don't think you will survive the others." Jax said with a grin.

I just groaned in annoyance.

"That's okay, though.. you'll get used to them and build up your durability. So it's just a matter of getting used to." Ragatha said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at her and gave her a weak smile.

"I just hope there aren't any more games or adventures planned for today.." I fixed my position and now was sitting on the block.

I thought  back to the day when I arrived here and that I had forgotten my name.

Of course, I got one now.. but I couldn't help but think how my life was before I came here.

I was slowly forgetting every remaining memory about my family and friends.

Wondering about their reaction, when they find out that I disappeared, with no trace or clue of my whereabouts..

Did they even notice I was gone? Was I important enough for them to notice my absence and lack of response over the past couple of... days?

I snapped out of my thoughts, only to notice some concerned looks from the others.

How long was I zoning out for?

"Why is everyone looking at me..?"

"You've been zoning out for about 10 minutes, so they got worried." Jax explained while looking at his gloved hand.

Why must he be such a jerk..?

I just nodded.

Jax's POV:

The others were talking and laughing.

I didn't really pay attention until they noticed how quiet Y/N was.

"H- hey Y/N.. are you okay?" Gangle asked her, but she didn't reply.

I looked over to see what was going on and saw she was probably just zoning out.

This went on for a good 10 minutes before she snapped back to reality.. well, yk what I mean.

She then asked why everyone was looking at her, and I told her that she was zoning out for 10 minutes. Of course, I didn't really care.

And they noticed and glared at me.

Heh- what a cute attempt, but I'm not intimidated.


Wait.. WHAT!?

No one's POV:

Everything was back to normal, and everyone was talking, but Y/N couldn't shake it off, that Jax has been quiet, ever since they gave him an un-amused glare.

They just shrugged the feeling off.

A few minutes passed, and caine appeared, telling them it was time for dinner.

Sure, they didn't need food or sleep to survive here, but it's always good to have a routine.


I kind of ran out of ideas at the end of this chapter, so it's short.

Hope you still enjoyed it, and if you wanna suggest things that I should add to the story, just let me know.


☆ °~ Not some NPC ~° ☆ [Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat