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Four and a half years ago...

  The leaf winged shaped shadow darted across the bare ground in the moonlight, checking each house he passed. The silkwing village was clustered with many houses made of wood and silk, he just had to find the right one.

  His eyes narrowed as he spotted a single egg in a nest made of leaves and sticks outside a house, he moved closer and saw the egg was shimmery with mint green and yellow, the flecks of black on it were unmistakeable. This was a silkwing-nightwing egg.

  As he reached it, he circled around it, examining it closely, this.. he would have to see later. He reached into his leaf pouch around his wing and got out an animus touched tracking silver colored necklace, he wrapped it around the egg so that it was as if it was wearing it. He had many colors of his own, when one of the dragons he put a necklace on was near, his respective colored one would light up and give out heat.

  He then reached into his pouch again, got out a tiny piece of a scroll he had prewritten, it said:

"This is a necklace for you, from your uncle"

  He changed the last part to whichever situation it was so that it would be appropiate. He slipped the piece of scroll between the necklace and the egg and moved on.

  He passed house by house, until he almost passed one when without a second glance inside the window, he would have missed it.

  Inside the house was quiet, he silently pushed open the door and stepped in, it was warm with the smell of roasted peanuts, he walked silently over to the cozy batch of eggs. There were two eggs, no, there were three.

  Except that the third one was pale and ghostly, almost transparent. He could see the little dragonet moving inside of it.

  He glanced at the other two eggs. They were nearly identical, both bright purple with different yellow patterns. He sniffed both of them, he poked both of them with a claw, gently held each of them. He knew which was the right one.

  He got out another necklace and piece of scroll from his pouch, wrapped it around the slightly smaller and thinner one, then slipped the scroll between it.

  Curiousness took over him, he began to pick up the nearly transparent egg, but as soon as his claw brushed it, the egg shattered into pieces, he knew it was a matter of time before the parents of these eggs came running out of their hammocks.

  He didn't know why or how he did it, but, stabbing a claw through the tiny dragonet's chest area, the dragonet turned limp, and he ran for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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