Main Character Introduction

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Name: Lycoris

Age: 4

Tribe: Rain-silk

Gender: Female

Appearance: usual scales color is dark purple, underbelly is a lighter purple, some patterns on her body are yellow. She has antenae and a rainwing ruff, only her wings and ruff are able to color change. She has heterochromia, her eyes are purple and yellow, her tail is more thicker like a silkwing tail.

Home: Silkwing village

Family: Dian (silkwing mother), Slush (rainwing father),  Nectar (elder brother but still from same hatching)

Friends: Unknown for now

Special abilities: color change her wings and ruff, has mild venom


She has nice parents and a kind brother, she has a beautiful home, but no destiny. She grew up learning everything and trying everything she could to find out her destiny, her family and friends were always supportive of what she wanted to do, but after a few years, they got tired of following along, all of them except her brother. Now she has no friends, but she has her brother and she believes she can figure out her destiny.

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