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Himawari uzumaki now 12 , grieving her parents loss and trapped in her thoughts is going up to her parents grave to give a funeral speech

"I himawari uzumaki the daughter of the late  Naruto uzumaki and his wife Hinata hyuga-uzumaki ask you all present here for a 2 minute silence as respect to my late parents"

The last words escaped her mouth just before her tears covered her face. Her ain't hanabi tried to console her but she couldn't.

They both were wondering where her brother kawaki had went off to. Evn of he and his father had problems he loveved him dearly and it was very clear he loved his mom and idolize d her in some ways.

"Where's brother?" She asks fumbling in between words

"At home he's trying maybe he couldn't find the courage to come today"
Their hypothetical  legal Guardian, her aunt sighs and says
"You both are very strong unlike all its hard on you both it'll take time"

The young girl is now walking alone after her aunt said she will pick them both up in the evening.

She soon reaches her house, no more a home

"Kawaki where are you? It's been 2 weeks till their death and I even haven't heard of you, not even a full word"

He says from behind her

"Oh finally"
She's a bit angry

"I was at their grave so please don't start talking now get over it"

His  words caught her by surpise it wasn't like him. He was sweet and kind not stoic and... And like boruto

"Get over WHAT huh, our parents death. You not talking to me even though I've been trying to make an effort" She completely broke down


"And I'm not neglecting you"


They both go to their rooms
Half eaten plates at the table.

In  Between The Time:(boruto two blue vortex) Where stories live. Discover now