Fourth was in his room alone, he can't sleep so he scroll through his ig and search for that specific account, there's around 10 new videos since he was so busy that he didn't have time to check his ig for awhile, he view and listen one by one, when he view the last one, he read the long caption

The caption said that that will be his last cover of songs cause he wasn't allowed to sing by his doctor, and he didn't know if he'll be able to again, and he said that it was hard for him because he loves to sing and saying sorry to his followers

Fourth scroll his ig to keep his mind clear but what he reads made his situation worse since he loves that singer, his voice was always soothing and he used to listen when his stressed or when he need to keep his mind clear, but now that person will not be able to sing, he will need to listen to those old recordings and not get a new video, what an unfair world

Fourth sleep after throwing tantrums by himself without anyone knowing. In the morning, he wake up with a slight headache as he don't sleep much, he just took a pill since he have fanmeet, he can laze around

During the fanmeeting, Fourth has a little problem, his heads didn't go away, but he tried his best not to show it, he don't want to worry the staff and his fans

At last the fanmeet was over, Fourth go to the changing room and sit down, his headache has gotten worse, he just want to lie down and sleep, but if he sleep here, they will know he has problem, so he try to control himself

Mark come to the room and ask Fourth to get ready for dinner, all the staff were prepared to get dinner together, but Fourth told them to go without him, and told Mark that he was a little bit tired so he wants to rest

Mark tried to drive him to his hotel but Fourth decline and told Mark to enjoy dinner with the staff, so Mark went with the staff. When Mark left the room, Fourth lie down on the sofa and close his eyes, but there's a clicking sound on the door, he sit up quickly and look the door, he see Mae Yui, he thought they already left

"Oh  Mae, you still don't leave?" Fourth ask

"Fourth, how are you, do you feel better? " Mae Yui ask without replying his question

"I'm ok Mae, I'm just tired, why are you still here? " Fourth smile and tried his best to hide his pain

"Fourth, I know you're not ok you don't have to hide from me, just tell me when you have problem" Mae Yui said with a soft tone, she know Fourth always try to hide his problem from others

"I'm really ok Mae, it just that i dont sleep well last night, I'll rest a bit and I'll be ok" Fourth try to assure Mae Yui, but Mae Yui didn't have it

"No Fourth, you're not ok, don't try to lie to me, I know you, even you're slightest change of expression, I know what you feel, so don't be stubborn and lets go to the hospital,  don't say but, my friends will take us there, your fans will not know it"  Yes, Mae Yui knows him so well, she was his manager since he joined the industry and its already 8years, Mae Yui treat him like her own son

Fourth still try to argue but the glare he got from Mae Yui stop him, he sit there quietly waiting for Mae Yui friend, but her friend will take about 10-20 mins to reach them so Mae Yui told Fourth to lie down, so Fourth obey and lie down

When that friends arrived, they go the hospital, the doctor check Fourth and inject him with IV fluids, Fourth lie down on the hospital bed, waiting for the IV to finish

Fourth and Mae Yui were ready to go, when they're about to leave, Fourth hear a voice that seems familiar, so he stop and turns to his right side, and there he see Gemini with a kid who looks like about 2 years old, he keeps looking at them, when Mae Yui realize Fourth stop on his track, she looks back at Fourth and see Fourth looking at something attentively, when she look at the direction Fourth looks, she couldn't believe her eyes, there she saw her beloved nong, whom she never saw in this 4 years

When she looks again at Fourth, she saw a mix of relieved, happy and angst at his face, she take Fourth arm and signal him to approach Gemini, when they were near him, they stop on their track when they can hear them talking

"Bebe, come on, don't cry, Mama will come out soon" Gem said with a soft tone

"But Papa, I want her now" The little kids said with pouting

"Ok Bebe, Mama will be here in a minute, so lets wait here like a good boy and will buy ice-cream when Mama come ok? " Gem said while patting the kids head

The little kid smile at Gem brightly and showed his little pinky to Gemini  to make him promise "Promise, Papa? "

"Ok I promise" Gem crossed the little pinky with his and smile at the kid and carried him on his arm

On the other side, Fourth was watching them with a teary eyes, he realized how much he miss hearing those voice, and the person in front of him, but what made him tears up is that the kid called Gem "Papa", did Gem already get married and have kids, that what he was asking in his mind with no answer


Happy 1st anniversary to " My school president "

It's already been a year since it's aired, how time flies, this series is my comfort series, and the cast are my comfort zone, when I'm sad or tired, I'll be watching their clips or rewatched the series, that will makes my mood better

I'm gonna miss them as the "Msp gang", maybe the Msp era will come to an end, but I will always go back to this series, and let's support them for their future work

And what I can't forget to say is " I MISS GEMINI BUNNY TEETH"

I was ok with whatever makes him confident and happy but I will miss his bunny teeth, he was so cute with that bunny teeth 😢😢

And thank you for 1.6k reads, I didn't expect this much, especially when I'm this irregular

Love you all😘😘

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