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(Author: Hey there! I'm so busy these few days, sorry for the late update D: )

From Bangs to Me

Sorry Satoru, I can't come to school today. 

From Me to Bangs

y :(

From Bangs to Me

I have a fever, 39.2°C the last time I measured. I probably 

can't come tomorrow either.

From Me to Bangs

Noooo suguruuuuuuu :((((

Gojo sighed at his phone as he threw his phone on his desk with a thump. He stared at Yaga-sensei with a displeased expression as his teacher started taking the register. 

8 people absent? That's already more than the times I got sick in my life, Gojo thought with a scowl. Now that Suguru's gone, I'll have to survive this shitty place alone! Oh mighty god in the heavens, how could you do this to me? Gojo crossed his legs and leaned back on his chair, staring at the sky with pitiful eyes.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the classroom door, then the door creaked open, revealing the pink-haired boy standing behind it. "Ohiyo gozaimasu!" The boy greeted cheerfully to Gojo's teacher. "Nanami-sensei would like to borrow some booklets from your classroom." 

"Sure, please wait a minute." Yaga-sensei walked to his desk on the opposite side of the classroom and bent down, opening the cupboards below his desk to find the extra booklets.

As Yaga-sensei searched for the booklets, the pinkette glanced across the classroom, observing his seniors. When Gojo felt the boy's sight land on him, he lifted his head with a nasty expression, meeting the boy's eyes. To his surprise, the boy beamed at him, and even waved, as if he didn't feel scared or uneasy at all from Gojo's manner.

Gojo found himself smiling back at the pinkette. For a second, Gojo felt as if all his negative emotions just disappeared, and all that was left was the boy's heart-warming smile. Gojo's eyes followed the pink-haired boy as he thanked Yaga-sensei for the booklets and walked out of the room. But he never saw the pinkette's ears redden from his warm gaze.


Gojo trudged down the hallway, hands in his pockets, his sky-blue eyes covered with a pair of round sunglasses. He scowled at the sight of fangirls who swarmed around him, ignoring the screaming from the crowd, sometimes pushing when he struggled to get past the swarm of girls. 

When he finally reached the cafeteria, he strolled towards the table where he and Geto usually sat. They always sat at that table because no one wanted to sit there. There was a rumor that a few years ago, a boy who sat there alone after school suddenly disappeared, then later reappeared a week later, mumbling about 'curses' and 'transfigured humans'. A month later he committed suicide at Yasohachi Bridge. Because of this, no one would even go near that corner of the cafeteria where the table was. People would rather stand and eat than sit there.

Of course, Geto and Gojo didn't believe in the rumor, so to avoid unwanted attention from the Gojo simps, they sat there to eat lunch. 

You can imagine what a shock it was to Gojo when he saw someone sitting at the table.

The boy at the table was carefully unpacking his bento, eyes glued to his hands as they slowly pulled away the cloth wrapping the box. "He must be really hungry," Gojo chuckled at the thought as he approached the boy.

Wait, isn't that the same junior who came to his classroom today?

"What an interesting boy," Gojo mused as he walked towards the boy, pulled out a chair underneath the table, and sat down on the opposite side of the boy with a plop. He faced the pinkette, whose head shot up from his bento, eyeing Gojo with a shocked expression. Gojo stared at the gawking and confused boy while he rested his cheek on his palm, head tilting sideways. "So," Gojo said with a playful tone, "why are you sitting at my table hm~?" 

"I- Sumimasen! There was no space left and my friends were all sick (Nobara didn't want to sit here), so I just came to this empty table to eat my lunch." Yuji stammered, coming back to his senses.  "I will leave right now! Very sor-"

"Wait a second," Gojo said, intentionally lowering and softening his voice. He leaned toward Yuji, his face so close to the boy that he could hear Yuji's heartbeat. He looked up and stared at the pinkette, who blushed, the tip of his ears red and burning. The boy's face was pink, his cheeks gradually turning into the same color as his hair. Gojo smirked at Yuji's cute expression and continued to bring his face closer to the pinkette's. 

"So! Tell me about yourself~" Gojo whistled as he smiled playfully at the blushing boy.

(Author: YES IM FINALLY FINISHED so sry for the late update there is sooo much to do I'm so stressed lately :((( Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter if you did pls vote and comment it really helps <3 )

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