Chapter 7 - Three More Bites

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She's amazing, everything she does and says is... amazing. She's so brave and smart and strong.

It didn't take long for us to clue into the fact she was abused, wherever she came from.

After talking to her, that fact only became more apparent. She's afraid when she cries, and shocked by specific topics. But she understands what she is.

She accepts things at the drop of a hat. Understanding to the best of her ability and then moving on. She's strong.

Getting her to fully open up is going to be a challenge, one me and the guys are already looking forward to. She's already shared so much, we thought best not to push it.

Baby steps.

After last night's conversation, her asking what a mate is, we decided to put that off till morning. She was tired, and emotionally exhausted. We could wait a little longer.

We watched as her little body curled up under the covers of my bed. Ours hearts full just at the sight of her. Seth and Daniel slept in their visiting rooms, and I took the couch.

Not wanting to leave her alone or go to far.

As I focus on the eggs cooking in front of me, my hearing picks up on the floorboards. Tiny footsteps making their way down the steps, through the hallway and right outside the kitchen. Right behind me.

I turn slightly, looking through the corner of my eye. There, tucked behind the door frame is Magnolia. Hiding herself so only her face and little hand poke out.

She just stands there watching me work, gnawing on her lips.

"Would you like some breakfast sweetheart?" I say, not turning around and plating the eggs with the toast and bacon.

She steps forward through the entrance. Coming up beside me, looking over the food. I reach over to my right and retrieve our forks. The guys are back at there respective pack houses, packing bags, tying up some loose ends before they come back to stay for... however long until we make appropriate arrangements.

So, it's just the two of us for now.

She looks around the kitchen, finding the glass cupboard and gesturing towards it.

"Can I..." is all she says before she hesitates. Lowering her gaze and holding her hand to her side. I immediately react, slowly reaching my hand to her cheek and caressing right under her eye. Her cheeks are hollow, her eyes ringed in dark circles, and despite the light bruising and faded cuts, she's still the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on.

"What would you like?" I ask. My approach is to teach her not to fear asking for things. She can have anything she wants.

"A g-glass, p-please." She says, leaning into my touch. Her soft lashes fluttering around her beautiful blue and brown eyes, closing slowly as she nestles closer.

"Of course." I reach around her pulling open and out a glass, handing it to her before grabbing the plates and making my way to the breakfast nook I had built myself a little over a year ago.

She fills the glass with water, sipping it before she looks in my direction. Or more so at the food.

She licks the water off her lips, hesitating before moving forward.

"I hope you like bacon." I say, trying to ease her tension. Let her know she's safe and free to say and do what ever she likes.

She nods her head, a cute little smile spreading over her full pink lips. I stare for longer than I intend too, she notices and immediately lowers her face.

Mated but not TamedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant