Chapter 2: Last Minute PlayTime

Start from the beginning


It was the next morning and Titana was sleeping on the shelf. But, then out of knowhere, Ash's car comes back to the house, show Ash with a fake sword on his hands, swinging it around. Titana was shocked about that Ash is back early. How is this even possible?

"He's back? Hey, everybody! Ash's back!" Titana said.

Below, Kaos, Raphtalia, Xenophanes and HulkBuster were playing cards until hearing Titana's voice.

"He's back early from knight camp!" Titana said.

"Places, everybody! Ash's coming!" Carol said.

Everyone then scattered to their original spots as Titana went into toy mode. Ash then eventually comes into the room, gets a chair, and gets Titana from the shelf.

"Hey, Titana! Did you miss me?" Ash asked.

Ash then grabs Titana and plays with her a little until see the ripped arm from earlier.

"Ohh. I forgot. You're broken. (Robotic voice) I don't wanna play with you anymore." Ash said.

Ash then for some reason, drops Titana to the ground to the pile of cards. Titana then goes through the cards and eventually lands right into a trash can! Titana comes to life to see in fear that she's in a trash can filled with toy arms everywhere. She then tries to get out of the trash can.

"No, Ash! No. No, Ash! No!" Titana yelled.

Then, a cocoon of toy arms grabs Titana by the neck and drags her down back into the trash can. Ash then shows his face above the trash can.

"Bye, Titana." Ash said creepily.

"No! No! Ash!" Titana yelled, begging Ash to save her.

But then, Ash puts the lid on the trash can and only darkness was left.

But thankfully, it was all a nightmare. Titana wakes up with her ripped arm on her neck, she then gets it off of her neck and it's the arm on a dusted book. Titana coughs a little due to the dust on the shelf until hearing a cough as well on the shelf. She looked to see who was on the shelf with her and it was a white penguin with a little of black on him, with a little bow tie barely showing on his chest. His name was Mumble.

"Mumble, is that you?" Titana asked

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"Mumble, is that you?" Titana asked.

Mumble then turns to see Titana on the shelf with him.

"Hey, Titana." Mumble saids sadly.

"What are you doing up here? I thought Mom took you to get your squeaker fixed months ago. Ash was so upset." Titana said.

Why would Ash's mom put Mumble on the shelf and not try to fix him?

"Nah. She just told him that to calm him down and then put me on the shelf." Mumble said.

"Why did you yell for help?" Titana asked.

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