"I don't know why you are cold; you're making this breeze. Also, you're wind." You commented, but Venti only squeezed your arm, another pout on his lips.

"I don't control the seasons, I can't make the temperature warmer."

"But you can stop this damn breeze." You shook your head lightly to remove a piece of hair that had gotten close to your eye.

The two of you conversed lightly as you climbed the steps to the cathedral. The sisters were out and about along the steps and the base of the statue, speaking to people, listening to the music of other traveling bards, and patiently following any concerns a person came to them with.

You walked up to one of these sisters, and though her eyes squinted suspiciously at Venti, she looked at you with a sweet smile. "Can I help you?"

You smiled back. "Yeah, I was wondering if I can speak to a healer. I need medicine for my brother."

The sister perks up with something you could only see as pride. Her thin, pink lips pulled into a grin and the corners of her eyes curled. "Actually, Miss Barbara is available today. Would you like to see her? She's our best."

"I really only need some medicine. Can you tell me how much it costs and where I can buy it?" You waved off the sister's eagerness. You really didn't need to consult Barbara, who probably has better things to do, for a fever.

"Oh! Well, Miss Barbara is very good with healing tonics. I'm sure she can make you something very quickly. Come along." And without another word, the sister began to walk away, up the many marble steps of the cathedral.

"They really love her don't they?" You grumbled, following behind, Venti still glued to your arm.

The bard snorted, leaning up to your ear to whisper conspiratorially. "You don't know the half of it. With how many people love the girl, you'd think she's the god of this land. Hah!"

You scoff. "I couldn't think so, the people are already so loyal to you, they'd never take another as their god."

"And are you part of that bracket?" Venti teased, his eyebrow lifted and a smirk to his lips.

You stop in your tracks and turn to Venti. Looking him straight in the eyes, leaning forward, you emphatically said, "Yes."

Venti's eyes widened, the pink blush that decorated his cheeks due to the chilly air grew darker, until he saw your slow growing smirk and he frowned. "Teaser." He grumbled and began to walk forward.

You laughed and followed him, grasping his hand and turning him around to see his nth pout of the day. "Hey, I might not worship you, but you do have my loyalty, don't pout."

Venti's blush came back again but before you could continue, you made it to the doors. The cathedral was warm and inviting, the hanging orange lamps casting a soft glow over the stark white, intricate carved walls. The stained-glass windows covered the floors with colored light, and it had a distinct air, like that of an old book.

The sister you followed led you through the wide hall and towards a small room to the right. There, you saw Barbara, hair pulled into pretty, gently curled, blonde pigtails, ribbons decorating her unorthodox deaconess outfit, and her mary-janes tapping on the marble floors. Her catalyst hung near her hip while her hydro vision glowed a powerful blue.

"Miss Barbara?" The sister called. The deaconess looked away from the other nun she was conversing with to speak.

"Yes, Sister Sophia?" Her smile was sweet and easy, her voice held a friendly tone and was two steps away from being shrill, but instead was comforting.

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