Entry #1

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I finally found my cousins Color and Pallet, I know weird names. Well, not like anyone's reading this. Anyways, I noticed my younger cousin Color has a crush on another Xetenos named Marley, I kinda want to tease them 'bout it till they kiss but nah. I've also always wondered why people are so aggressive on holidays. One time this last Halloween someone was spamming tokens and there was a flood then volcanic eruption over and over. My poor friend Formality had to use a revive token because he drowned... heh... sad, Formality is a really pretty normal colored Blazeii my Korathos friend Travis almost drowned as well, Color was too busy being in another game universe to know our suffering, poor Dante the Angelic Warden's scared of water, and Stanley the Flikaflie was struggling to keep others alive... Healers need more respect personally-

Died once aswell when these weird sun and moon creatures were discovered, and I thought Sar and the Xetenos being from space was cool! But I guess the more aliens the better? I have no clue what the Elder Wardens are doing.. Its like every week another creature is discovered in our small world- It's getting sorta scary the amount of species there are so far... I hope there's more evolution in some like Minawii's for instance to make them quieter-... 

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