𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘: Billy's Touch

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tw: sexual content

It's getting late into the night, some teenagers leave through the front door muttering about parents and curfew as they left. The door hangs open wide, Sidney moves to close it and Billy appears in a classic fake scare. "Billy? Jesus, you scared me," Sidney told him before she began fiddling with her sleeve, she didn't know how to talk to her ex so she was thankful when Stu showed up. "Dude, what are you doing here?" Stu asked with a smirk, Billy raised his brows at him as a sign that the plan had worked. "Uh, Stu, have you seen Tatum?" Sidney asked the taller male who shook his head making Sidney sigh.

"Sid!" Joel called out with a frown, he approached the brunette without sparing Billy and Stu a single look. "What's up?" Sidney asked him hoping that Tatum had been with him. "Tatum dumped me... I was hoping to find you," Joel said while rubbing the back of his neck, "Could we talk?" Sidney was hesitant before she agreed. "You two can use my parents room to talk... and whatever," Stu offered them, he didn't want them leaving the house. "Cheers, mate," Joel told him before motioning for Sidney to follow him, the brunette followed after him as Billy and Stu watched with smirks.

"Where's Annie?" Billy asked Stu, he wanted to spend some time with her before Melinda went through with her part of the plan. "Last I saw, she was in the living room watching movies with Randy and Mel," Stu answered him before grinning, "Go on. I'll entertain the people while you entertain her." Billy nodded before the two shared a fist bump. Billy made his way through the people, their eyes watching him as he stepped up behind the couch and leaned down to Annie's ear. "Hey doll," Billy whispered, Annie turned her head to Billy with a smile. "Hey, you finally got here," Annie replied. "Had to deal with dad but I was hoping to steal you away," Billy asked her.

"Take her please... dealing with one person lip syncing the words is enough," Melinda teased referring to Annie and Randy knowing all of the words to the movie that was currently playing. Annie faked a laugh before she got up and made her way around the couch, grabbing Billy's outstretched hand and followed him up the stairs and towards Stu's bedroom. They heard a moan from Stu's parents room making Billy scoff while Annie shook her head, "Who the hell is in there?" Billy looked at Annie, "Sidney and Joel." Annie's eyes widened at that before she laughed and shook her head.

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