𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄: Mystery Caller

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Annie moved around the kitchen making herself dinner, she was home alone due to her parents going on a trip. Her friends were busy with their own plans such as Melinda and Randy hanging out together, Sidney and Tatum having their own sleepover, Stu had plans with his family while Billy had to work late; having to work now that his mom had left and his father was drowning in work for his mistakes and ignoring his responsibilities. So this left Annie to hang out by herself watching movies while finishing her work for Junior Year, she was pretty keen on Senior Year.

As she opened the fridge, her landline began ringing catching her attention. With a sigh, she closed the fridge and walked over to the phone. "Hello, this is the Dalton residence," Annie answered with her usual greeting for the family phone. "Hello?" A deep, raspy voice greeted making Annie pout slightly. "Who is this?" Annie asked politely. "Who is this?" The stranger repeated back making her shake her head. "Someone trying to cook without burning my house down," Annie responded with a slight giggle. "What are you making?" The stranger asked, intrigued. "Well, stranger, I am making my infamous spaghetti and meatballs," Annie answered them.

"That sounds delicious," The stranger said as Annie moved towards the pot. "I'd hope so," Annie teased with a smile. While most people would have hung up on a random stranger, Annie felt that to be too impolite and she had many great conversations on the phone in the past with people putting in the wrong number or simply finding someone to talk to for the night. "You sound delicious," The stranger cooed making Annie scoff. "Careful with what you say," Annie warned playfully. "Do you have a boyfriend?" The stranger asked. "Yes, I do. He's amazing and so sweet," Annie cooed.

She pouted slightly, "He's busy tonight but we have plans to hang out tomorrow with our awesome best friend so that makes up for it." The stranger was quiet for a moment before speaking, "Sounds like you really care about them." Annie's smile softened greatly, "They mean the entire world to me, dude. I struggled in life without them but knowing I would be able to come back to both of them one day." Annie emptied the water from her pasta before stirring her sauce, checking on the meatballs to see they were almost ready.

✓ | 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡ Stuart Macher & Billy LoomisWhere stories live. Discover now