Chapter 22: Behind your back

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"Jonas I need to tell you something" I said as I stormed into his office

"Alex you okay? Please sit down" jonas smiled up at me

"Look I have no proof but you have to believe me"

"What's happened Alex?"

"Faye, the physio, kissed Leah unwontedly and also tried to advance on her while in her physio room"

"That's a big thing to say Alex, are you sure you're telling the truth"

"Yes yea I am, I promise jonas"

"Okay, we will check the cctv camera in the physio room and see anything then we will sack her immediately" jonas nodded at me

"Thank you jonas" I smiled standing up and leaving


"Alex!" Leah shouted storming into the players entrance hall, where I was stood on my phone

I nodded at her

"What have you done" she said coming up close to me

"Nothing" I held up my hands

"Stop lying" Leah said smacking my arm

"Leah what have I done!"

Just as I said that Faye walked past with a box of her stuff

"You caused this" Faye said to me as she passed

"Nah you caused it on yourself mate" i scoffed

Faye walked past and left the building

"Why did you go behind my back!" Leah said

"To protect you!" I said looking down at her

"I had it under control"

"Nah you didn't" I said pushing past her

"Where you going?" Leah said

"Away from you"

"Grow up" Leah scoffed

I turned around and walked up to her

"No Leah, you need to grow up. I'm just trying to protect you!" I said before walking off


"You not going to sit with Leah?" Beth questioned as I sat down next to Beth and viv

"Just say if you want me to go" I joked trying to avoid the topic

"Seriously Alex, what's happened between you two recently... has it got something to do with Faye?" Beth asked

"I got Faye sacked because of reasons you lot know about and Leah is mad about it"

"Mad about it?" Viv said from the other side of me

"She doesn't want the news spreading around on social media and also I think it's the thing about me going behind her back which she doesn't like... apparently she had it under control" I said shaking my head leaning back in my chair

"It was better you told someone, I know it doesn't seem like it right now with the way she's acting but something seriously bad could have happened to her" Beth said

"I know this is what I've been saying to Leah but she's doesn't seem to understand... I don't think she knows her own strengths, i mean what if something serious did happen, she wouldn't have had the strength to stop Faye... no way" I sighed

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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