Chapter 19: More than just staying at her house

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"Why Faye out of everyone Alex!" Leah shouted at me

"Why is it such a big problem if I stay over at hers!" I shouted back

"Because you and I both know her history!"

"What history!"

"She sleeps about, doesn't matter if your dating someone or not she'll still try get in your pants"

"And you think I'd let that?"

"I don't know Alex!"

"Wow,so you think I'd sleep with her?"

"You've got a history with these sorts of things, Alex!"

"Since I've joined arsenal it's only been you! How can you say that!"

"That was the past, I'm different now!" I added


"No Leah! I worked on physical touch, I worked on affection and I worked on not running away when things get past friends level, so don't say for one second I'd have a one night stand with a girl from work after all the effort and progress I made for you!" I shouted

"Don't you think it was tough on me too? Liking someone who didn't know how to deal with physical touch or affection! I didn't and still don't know what is right and wrong, I've never been with someone like you Alex, I don't know what I'm doing!" Leah shouted

"You hardly communicate your feelings, even after I beg you to tell me, it's like a guessing game with you! One minute you could be happy and being affectionate and then the next your moody and don't want to be touched! I understand mood swings, I do, but you don't even communicate your problems or feelings!" She added

"Leave then."

"You don't mean that" Leah questioned

"No I do Leah, your making me sound like I'm my dad! I saw how it effected my mum and I don't want you to feel like her. Clearly him and I are the problem in my family and I don't want to drag you down with me, he never changed so I probably won't" I sighed

"Are you being serious?"

"Yes Leah I am"

"So your not going to try change?"

"I've tried to but there is still a problem clearly, I always be this way , it's who I am"

"I don't want to be like him Leah, but if I can't change then I don't want to drag you down with me." I added

I sighed and walked up to my room and closed my door before getting into bed and trying to get some sleep.

Leah pov:

I don't know much about Alex's dad because she simply hated him and what he did to her family growing up.

I decided to call the one person who would know all about her family life.

"Hello?" Ona said as she answered the phone

"Hey Ona, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's this about?"


"What's happened?"

"We got into an argument a few hours ago, which basically ended in her pushing me away claiming she was just like her dad and didn't want to drag me down with her problems"

"Shit is she okay?"

"She went up to her room, guessing she tried to get some sleep"

"Look her and her dad didn't get on, like at all, her brothers use to say that she was just like her dad when she was annoyed at something, she became really self conscious about it and wanted to change it immediately and she tried, like really hard, but I think she put why too much pressure on herself to be this person she wasn't. She struggled a lot and her being the way she is didn't help, she didn't tell anyone she was struggling and eventually got worse. Her mental health was really bad but lucky met this girl called Becca who helped her, she didn't know she helped her but she did, Becca was Alexs first girl crush, they never dated, at least I don't think so, but Becca changed Alex. Alex wanted to impress her so she became a better person, they talked for years apparently but as they got older life changed and they didn't have time for each other anymore. Alex's dad ruined her family, she spent a lot of time with her mum, who would just unload all her feelings on to this little girl, who already hated this man. She use to look at her football and school mates and see them hanging around with there dads or even going out to play football with there dads and Alex wished she could have had that, but she never did. Eventually as she got older and more use to it, it became the norms but still hurt her a lot sometimes. She always said the main problem with her dad was the mood swings he had, she didn't know if she was gonna wake up to a happy dad or a angry dad, she didn't know when she was about to go downstairs, where her dad was, if he was gonna be happy or angry. The worse thing is, is that when he was having these mood swings she would get the end of it if her dad, who would shout and blame her for things she didn't even do."

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