Chapter 31. Serious Conversation

Start from the beginning

"Cool! I love meeting new people. And while you away I'll go to Severus for the class" Ester replied happily.

 Kass noticed Ester's eyes sparkled when she mention Snape. But she didn't say anything about that.

"Great! We should cook something delicious" Kass said.

 It was already late night. Girls chatted a little and went to their bedrooms. This night Kass couldn't sleep. She was worrying about the meeting of her father and Lucius.

'I hope everything will go fine' Kass thought.


  Lucius couldn't sleep this night. He didn't want even thing about  having argument with Andrew. But he wasn't going to give up on Kass anyways. Lucius got up early and apparated into Kass's house not even drinking his morning coffee. he couldn't think about food now. 

 At the living room Lucius faced Ester. She has just woke up and she was wearing a long T-shirt and short night shorts. Lucius appeared in the moment when she was heading to the kitchen to make a breakfast. Ester jumped from surprise.

 "Fuck, Lucius. What the hell are you doing?" Ester swore.

 Lucius frowned hearing her words. He usually didn't hear something like that.

"So muggle style" he smirked. "Good morning to you as well, Ester."

"Sorry. It's your fault. You shouldn't frighten people" Ester replied. "Why did you come so early? 
Kass is probably sleeping. She didn't go out of her room."

"Why don't you sleep?" Lucius asked.

"I wish. But I have a class with professor Snape in a hour" Ester said.

"Believe me, eight o'clock is early for Severus. Be grateful he didn't appoint your class at five" Lucius said with a smirk.

"Come on" Ester waved her hand. "Oops, sorry for my look."

She waved her hand quickly and now she was dressed.

"I see you're making sucsess" Lucius said in surprise. "I must confess I didn't excpect that."

"I'm schocked myself" Ester said. "Would you like a cup of coffee? Kass will come soon."

"I'd like to. I was hurry up and I forgot about breakfast" Lucius replied.

Ester and Lucius went to the kitchen. Ester started making breakfast.

"Don't worry, Lucius. I'm sure everything will be fine" Ester said.

"That's it" Kass said,  entering the kitchen. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Kass" Lucius said with tenderness.

 He came to Kass and kissed her cheek. He wanted more but there was no time and no opportunity for caresses.

"Let us do without your fuss" Ester said slightly wrinkling her nose. "The breakfast is ready."

"Did Severus taught youu that?" Lucius asked with a smirk. "He also can't stand showing tenderness. You would get along ideal togehter."

"Come on" Ester said grumpy.

"Exactly. She even as grumpy as he is" Malfoy continued.

"Luci, don't bother Ester" Kass said.

"That's it" Ester said, blushing from mention Severus.

 Of course, Lucius and Kass noticed it. They looked at each other.

 After breakfast Ester headed to the Spider's End. Kass and Lucius headed to her parents' house.


  Kass and Lucius apparated to the door of Jones's house. Lucius insisted it will be more appropriate for their future relative first visit than appearing right in the living room. His words made Kass laugh. Tension relaxed a bit. But they both were nervous like first year old students before the exam. 

"Let Marilyn help us" Kass said taking a breath.

 She was about to knock at the door.

 "Wait" Lucius said.

 Kass turned around looking at hin worriedly. Her first thought was he wanted step back again. But Lucius quickly pulled her close to himself and kissed.

 "It's for courage" he said worriedly.

 Before Kass replied, the door opened. Her parents stood at the doorway.

 "Good morning, Andrew, Martha" Lucius said slightly taken aback.

 It was the first time Kass saw him like that. Always confident, even arrogant noble man now was worried like a school boy. Kass thought that was cute.

"Mum, dad, hello" she said slightly pushing Lucius to go ahead.

"Good morning. Come in" Andrew said with a smile.

 Lucius kissed Martha's hand. They entered the house. A table for tea-party was served at the dining room. In a few minutes Lucius wasn't so nervous as at the beginning. Kass noticed he relaxed and calmed down too. Parents were friendly. Martha was smiling and Andrew didn't frown his eyebrows. It was a good sign.

 "Well, Lucius. You and my daughter didn't give up on each other" Andrew said.

"No, as you can see. And we won't give up anyways" Lucius said confidently.

 Kass squeezed his hand under the table. Meanwhile her heart skipped a beat. Martha was waiting worriedly what will her husband say.

"What about you? Don't you want to tell anything?" Andrew asked Kass.

"Dad, I've told everything already. I love Lucius. And that's all" Kass replied.

"Andrew, Martha. I'd like to ask your daughter to marry me" Lucius said.

 Kass didn't expect such a twist of the plot. Yesterday he hesistated to come to Jones and now he's asking for her hand. Her parents definetely weren't ready to such a claim. Marta's eyes opened wide and Andrew fell silent for a moment.

"It depends on whether Kass wants it" Andrew said breaking the silence.

 Lucius stood up from the chair. Kass gave him a confused look. Lucius snapped his fingers. A small box appeared in his hand. In the box there was a handmade ring with a black diamond, entwined by  two snakes. It was a promise ring.

"Kass, will you marry me?" Lucius asked handing her the box.

 Kass wanted to reply but words stucked in her throat. She was overhelmed with emotions. Her eyes filled with tears. She looked at Lucius and couldn't move.

 "Kassie?" Martha said worriedly.

 Mother's words got her back to reality.

"Yes, I agree. I'll marry you" she said.

Kass stood up and hugged Lucius before he put a ring on her finger.

"What can I say? I wish you love and happiness" Andrew said.

Eyes of this stern man were about to be full of happy tears. Martha was crying. She came to Kass and Lucius and hugged them both.

"Be happy, my dears" she said.

"Thank you. I love you both" Kass said to parents.

"Well, we forgot something" Lucius said with a smile.

"What's that?" Kass asked slightly surprised.

 Lucius took the ring and put it on Kass's finger.

"Now we have the whole picture" Lucius said.

"But keep in mind, Lucius: if you offend Kass you'll deal with me" Andrew said firmly.

"Dad!" Kass outraged.

 She turned around and saw her dad smiling.

"No worries, I'll never offend your daughter. She's my treasure" Lucius replied sincerely.

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