Chapter 4. Waiting

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"Yeah. They're all rescues and I really like having them around. They're quiet and actually really affectionate, but they can be picky with certain people. They don't like Chan or Hyunjin much, though."

"Can I meet them?" Jisung almost rushes, slightly cringing at himself at the haste associated with his own tone.

"I mean, if you want to. Don't be surprised if they hate you or hide the entire time. They can be really skittish with new people."

"That's okay. I just can't believe you have cats."

"Am I not the type, or?"

"Not really," Jisung smiles at him. "It makes you seem a lot softer than your exterior. You have a brooding aura about you, you know that right? You're really intimidating."

"I know that. It's on purpose."

"Oh." Jisung sinks into his chair slightly, almost a bit dejected.

"I do that because I get hit on a lot at the bar. Not saying that I didn't want you to hit on me or anything, by the way, but it just happens a lot so I just try to make myself unapproachable."

"Yeah, it makes sense."

"But, besides your musical genius, what do you do?" Minho takes another sip of his coffee, tapping his cup with his finger as he feels the drink near the bottom. He didn't realize he had drunk almost the entire cup, but he was also surprised at the fact that he was not feeling the buzz of the caffeine yet.

"I read sometimes or play video games. Most of the time I'm writing lyrics, composing, or just playing on my guitar. I try to go out, like I've told you, but I really don't have much time to myself."

"I'm glad you made time for me," Minho slightly smiles at him, watching Jisung's cheek tint with subtle redness again.

"I wanted to get to know you better. I'm glad you opened up a bit, so, thanks for sharing stuff with me."

"Spending this time with you like this has been nice." Minho settles on after a moment of thinking, leaning forward in his chair slightly, fingers wrapping around his cup. "Speaking of my cats though, I do have to get home and check on them. But I promise that I will call you, alright?"

"I'll hold you to that, Minho." Jisung winks at him playfully, watching the elder snicker and bite back a smile.

"Alright. Oh shit," Minho looks down, pointing to the hoodie on his chest. "I still have your hoodie on."

"And I have your button up at my apartment. We're even, and plus, you can't forget about me when you have that on. So now you really have to call me."

"As if I'd forget you." Minho flirts sneakily, causing Jisung to twitch in his seat in slight shock.

Minho rises from his chair, grabbing his nearly empty cup with his gaze trained on Jisung.

"I'll talk to you soon, 'kay?"

"Yeah. See you." Jisung smiles, watching the elder leave after throwing away his empty cup without another word or another glance.

He hates that he feels immediate loneliness stir in his stomach, wanting to run after Minho and go visit his apartment, but that also feels as if it'd be too much too fast. He was confused, as one should be, only being fucking "friends with benefits" with a guy like Minho. He knew he had no room in his schedule for a committed relationship, not when he can barely pay any attention to himself or his disgraceful apartment. Felix would surely give him an earful if he added anything more to his plate just to send him into a further state of depression and suffering. But that was an issue for another time.

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