So you have 5 sisters - Meredith said to Derek

I indeed do - Derek said with a smile

Move out of the way.. bed incoming - Owen yelled

Sara saw Owen running in the hall with a hospital bed.

Owen saw Sara and tough he was delusion and just kept running with the hospital bed.

(Cristina had stayed home because she was still angry about the cheating thing but Owen had told her it was a mistake and had said they should take some time apart)

Clamp - Sara said

Bokhee handed Sara the clamp.

You must be new - Miranda said (Miranda = Bailey)

Yes I am actually Dr. Sara shepherd - Sara said

Derek's twin sister - Sara said

You two don't look alike - Miranda said

We hear that a lot and it's true we don't look alike but just wait until you know us.. then you can't see any difference between us - Sara said with a smile

Any leaks - Miranda said

Nope - Sara said

Sara's pager went off.

It's 911 Dr. Shepherd - A nurse said

You go i'll finish up here - Miranda said

Sara smiled.

Sara scrubbed out and walked into the pit.

Someone paged me - Sara said to a nurse

Where is the cardio surgeon - Owen yelled

Sara rushed over to trauma room 3.

I'm here - Sara said

Who are you - Owen said (Owen only saw Sara enter the trauma room and didn't see her face)

I'm the new cardio surgeon - Sara said

Owen saw Sara.

Saraaa.. what are you doing here - Owen said

Owen you're the trauma surgeon - Sara said

Callie entered the room.

What've we got here - Callie said

He has a hip fracture - Owen said

Your the ortho surgeon - Sara said

Yes i am.. and you are - Callie asked

Everyone let me introduce myself.. I'm Doctor Sara Shepherd the new cardio surgeon and yes i am in the family with the other dr. shepherd he's my twin brother - Sara said to everyone in the trauma room.

Derek has a twin.. i didn't see that one coming - Callie said

It has been a few days now and everyone has found out who Sara is except Cristina she hasn't been to work yet but Callie has become Sara's friend and Derek has been keeping a little distance to Meredith since Sara arrived.

Derek kissed Meredith.

I pick you Meredith - Derek said

Meredith fell from her bed (she was dreaming)

Dam it is always a dream - Meredith said out loud

George came into Meredith's room.

Doc is here - George said

Doc.. Why is he here - Meredith asked

He's here with Derek - George said

Derek? - Meredith said

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