Chapter 2: War Between the Cold-Hearted

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The next day Rhaena decided to secretly leave and go to the village to meet other children. Then, she sees a man robbing a family's food bag. 

Rhaena: What do you think you're doing? 

Sam: It's okay. He always does that. 

Rhaena: Give me the bread or the dragons of Queen Daenerys will burn you alive. 

Vernon: I'm sorry. 

 Rhaena: Take your bread. 

Sam: You can have it, I have more. 

Rhaena: Believe me. I have many bread at home. My father is a... 

Sam: Baker? 

Rhaena: Yes. He makes plenty of bread. 

Sam: Are you new here? 

Rhaena: We're from North of North. 

Sam: I'm Sam. 

Rhaena: I'm... Lyanna. 

Sam: Do you know you're named after the sister of King Eddard Stark? 

Rhaena: I did not. 

Then an unsullied soldier came close the them. 

 Sam: Do you know him? 

Rhaena: I do not... 

Grey Joy: Princess Rhaena, they're looking for you in Winterfell. Jaime Lannister is here. 

Sam: I did not know you were the princess Targaryen. 

 Rhaena: Trust me, no one knows, so please keep your mouth shut. 

 They arrive at Winterfell and Rhaena talks to her father. 

 Jon: Where did you go? 

Rhaena: Me? Just there. 

Jon: Come on... Meet my friends. 

 Jon meets his Wildling friends from the Night's Watch. 

Tormund: Little Sam is not so little anymore. 

Samwell: He's gonna be soon as big as me. 

Jon: This is my daughter. 

Tormund: What's your name, girl? 

Rhaena: Rhaena. 

 Rhaena thinks they're very loud and noisy. 

 Sam: You're here again. 

Rhaena: He's your dad? 

Sam: Yes. 

Samwell: Jon... This is Little Sam now. 

Jon: You've grown so much. 

Samwell: Sam, this is Jon's daughter, Rhaena. 

Rhaena: We've met. 

Tormund: All I need is a son! We'll have a whole new generation of wildlings. 

Rhaena: I'm a girl.Tormund: Of course you are. But there's a man inside of you. 

Rhaena: What? 

Tormund: You don't look a lot like your father but there's him in you. I can sense it. 

Rhaena (whispers to Sam): It's hereditary. You do know that you'll look like your father in the future, right? 

Sam: What does that mean? 

Rhaena: You'll get bigger. 

Sam: That's mean. 

Later that day, they held a meeting for the war against the dead. Rhaena joined the meeting because she wanted to be part of it. 

 Jon: Rhaena should stay in the crypt too. 

Rhaena: What? Why? 

Tyrion: It's to keep you safe. 

Rhaena: Keep me safe? Father, you taught me how to fight, now's the time to! 

Tyrion: Leave this to the men, little girls should not be engaged in such battle. 

 Rhaena: It is often said repeatedly, "Leave it to the men!", as if it is the only solution to every problem. But what if the only solution leads to madness? What if falling into madness is all that I know until the end? I feel helpless, watching everyone around me risking their lives to protect us. Should I just sit idly by and do nothing, like knitting?

 Tormund: We're all going to die... But at least we die together. 

Jon: Let's all get some rest. 

 Rhaena leaves angrily. 

 Rhaena: Missandei, Grey Worm, I wish you both good luck. 

 Missandei: Thank you, your grace. 

Sam: Your grace, I'm going to my father. Would you like to come with me too? 

Rhaena: Sure.Rhaena and Sam go to Samwell and Jon. 

Samwell: Just stay in the crypt, all right? 

Sam: Yes, father. 

 Samwell: Take care of your mum.

Jon: Rhaena. 

Rhaena: I'm sorry for how I acted, father. I just wanted to help. 

Jon: I know. But, you can help by putting peace in my mind that you are safe by staying in the crypt. 

Rhaena: Yes. 

Jon: Tyrion and Sansa... and Gilly will be there. 

Rhaena hugs Jon and wishes them good luck. 

Sam: Come on Rhaena. Mum's waiting for us. 

On the way to the crypt, Rhaena sees Daenerys. 

 Rhaena: Mum! 

 Daenerys: Ñuha jorrāelagon (my love) 

Rhaena: Sagon ȳgha, mama. Kostā gaomagon bisa. (Be safe, mama. You can do this.)

Rhaena hugs her mum. 

Daenerys: Just stay in the crypt. 

Rhaena: Yes. 

Daenerys: Have you seen your father? 

Sam: I saw him go to the underground tomb. 

Daenerys: Thank you. 

The night has fallen at Winterfell, and Rhaena stays in the Crypt with Sam and other Northerners while the rest of the people prepare for the upcoming battle. Sansa and Tyrion had a conversation about their marriage, and Sansa told Tyrion that his loyalty to Daenerys would be a problem if they were to get married. Missandei defends her queen by saying that they owe their lives to her.mRhaena tries to explain that Daenerys has helped the North in every way she could and that they don't know the Dragon Queen as well as she does. 

A long and grueling battle takes place, with many deaths, but ultimately, they emerge victorious against the Night King. As dawn breaks over the devastated castle, Melisandre walks out of the gates, removing her cloak, and Davos follows, ready to kill her with his dagger. As she had used up all her magical powers summoning the fires to defend the castle, she took a few faltering steps, then collapsed, and her body crumbled away into dust.

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