♫ 11.Beach Day! Pt 2 ♫

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Toya's pov (Beach) I updated yay :)

"Set me Toya!" Akito calls out.

"Wait, huh? What's a-" Before I get the chance to finish my sentence, the volleyball slips through my fingers and hits me in the face.

"Oh ouch... you really aren't good at sports." Viv comments.

Akito rushes over to me and grabs the side of my face lightly, inspecting it. "Are you alright? You didn't get hurt, right?"

"No, no I'm fine." I say, rubbing my nose.

I hear Viv say something under her breath and chuckle. She's been doing it a lot since we arrived at the beach, and strangely it's only when Akito and I are near each other.

"Good, as long as you're fine." Akito smiles, picking up the volleyball. "If you want, I can teach you the basics to volleyball."

"Sure, that would be fun I guess." Learning a sport can't be that hard, right? Volleyball is basically hitting around a ball then over the net.

"Great. Hmm maybe you can try serving first." Akito grabs my wrist and leads me to the line draw in the sand. I presume this is a boundary line or something similar.

"So to serve, you stand behind this line. You hold the ball in one hand out in front of you. Then you throw the ball up, but not too high and swing through hitting it with your other hand." Akito demonstrates as Viv waits to receive his hit.

Akito then does the demonstration again, this time faster and actually hitting the ball this time. The volleyball flies through the air and over the net, directed towards Viv. Viv receives it but judging by her reaction, it hurt probably.

"Ow! You could've at least hit me a softer serve!" Viv groans, throwing the ball back under the net towards me. I pick it up and try following the demonstration but fail, he made it look easy.

"Hey Akito, give him a hand would ya." Viv smiles smugly as Akito glares at her, he seems to turn a bit red.

"Uh fine, here I'll help." Akito comes up behind me, putting his hands on my forearms as he moves closer to me. "Just like this, okay?" He moves my arms, showing me how to swing them properly. Then he moves back, giving me space to try and serve.

"Now you try, just do what you did before." He smiles.

I nod, taking a deep breath. I throw the ball up like how Akito explained before, and swing through as fast as I can to hit it. As I stand back up properly, the ball unexpectedly hits me in the back of the head. Did I not hit it?

"Wow... you certainly aren't good at sports." Viv chuckles.

"Hey! Cut him some slack, it's his first time." Akito says while glaring at Viv.

Viv giggles, obviously trying to tease Akito. "I see you're trying to defend your boyfriend, huh?"

Akito and I both turn red slightly, what's up with Viv calling me Akito's boyfriend when we aren't in public? We aren't really dating, and didn't Viv cause this mess in the first place?!

"Let's just take a break, shall we?" Akito suggests, obviously not wanting to argue with Viv but he still seems heated over the matter.

I nod while Viv walks back to the seats her and Kohane were sitting on. Akito and I make our way back to where everyone else is and sit down in the shade.

Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Viv and Kohane are sunbathing, Kamishiro is flying his drone around, Saki and Shiho are playing in the sand, and Kanade is... dying from the heat? Wait, where's Tsukasa?

"Hey where's that guy that never shuts up?" Akito asks. It seems he already realised that Tsukasa isn't in sight too.

Maybe he's in the water. What if he drowned?! No he can swim... where is he? Maybe Saki knows, I'll ask her.

"Hey Saki!" I say trying to get her attention. Saki responds and turns her head towards me. "Where's Tsukasa?"

Her lips curl up into a cheeky smile, just like when she was little and up to something. "Come have a look for yourself hehe~"

Akito and I look at each other then back at Saki. We both get up and head towards Saki and Shiho, soon seeing where Tsukasa is.

Saki and Shiho have buried Tsukasa in the sand up to his neck while he was asleep...

An's pov (Beach)

"Hey Kohane, got any idea how we'll get them two idiots to start real dating?" I ask sighing.

I look over at Kohane who stares at the sand thinking. "Maybe we can plan them a day out? No that sounds too bold."

"No it isn't! That's a perfect idea!" I laugh, throwing my arm around Kohane's shoulder and squeezing her tightly. "Tell me, what does Toya like?"

"Hmm... he likes going to the arcade, and reading books." Kohane responds smiling.

Books are too lame for Akito, the arcade might be nice. That isn't a lot to do in a day though, oh I know! "Kohane let's plan them a photoshoot!"

"A-A photoshoot?!" Kohane looks at me in disbelief, as if that's the most ridiculous idea I've had. "But how are we going to do that?"

I chuckle, proud of my genius idea. "Simple! With your photography skills, Mizuki's fashion skills and Ena's makeup skills we'll make them fall head over heels for each other! And we can give the fans a little treat too!"

"But are you sure Mizuki and Ena will be up for it?" Kohane asks, still unsure of the idea.

"Confident! Once I say it's for the two lovebirds then they would be up for it in a heart beat." I reply, getting my phone to make arrangements.

I'm a genius!


Creator's Note: Sorry for the massive break, I was on school holidays and I was busy working but hopefully everything will be back on track now :)

I had to scrap the original idea I had planned for this chapter but I am slowly replanning and hopefully can make the rest of the story better!

Thank you for the reads on both this story and my other one, and helping me reach 70 followers! I am very grateful and hope to continue writing many more stories!

1061 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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