♫ 01.Weekend Garage ♫

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Toya's pov

"Hey Toya, how's your progress so far?" Shiho asks walking into my room.

I turn around and face her. "I just finished actually, I would like to review the lyrics with you and Kanade if that's alright."

"I don't mind, and I don't think Kanade will either." Shiho responds. "Kohane was telling me about a cafe near here, maybe we could review it there while we have breakfast."

"Okay, let's go there." I smile, gathering my lyric sheets and my backpack.


Shiho and I walk into the cafe and see Kanade and Kohane already seated at a booth near a window. The cafe has an overall comfortable vibe to it, a perfect place to sit down and relax with friends. It's also a hot spot for famous street artists such as Vivid and Stray Dog, I heard Vivid's dad is actually the owner of this cafe.

Me and Shiho sit across from them, me sitting closest to the window, it's a nice view outside.

"Have you guys seen Vivid's new song?!" Kohane squeals, showing us her phone. "It's called Gekokujo, it's a lot different to what she usually writes, but I still love it."

"That's interesting." I say with a soft smile.

"Heya! Welcome to Weekend Garage, what can I get started for you bunch?" The waitress asks as she approaches our booth.

"Can I get a black coffee, please?" I ask.

"Do you guys have ramen?" Shiho asks, scanning the menu.

"Shiho.. this is a cafe, they won't have ramen." Kanade chuckles softly. "Me and her will share an apple pie, if you guys have any."

"I'll have a mocha with whipped cream, chocolate chips and extra caramel sauce, please." Kohane smiles not taking her eyes off her phone, we all turn to her as if she just recited an incantation of some sort of spell.

"Okay, so that's a black coffee, an apple pie and a mocha with whipped cream, chocolate chips and extra caramel sauce. Your orders should be ready in a minute." The waitress smiles as she takes the menus and walks off.

"So, Toya how's your song lyrics been going?" Kanade asks.

"I've certainly been making process, but I still can't get any of the songs out there." I sigh grabbing the lyric sheets from my bag and handing it to Kanade and Shiho.

"Well, this is just a written song, you still need to compose it." Shiho states as she skims over the paper.

"I've done that with some, the ones I felt had better potential then the others. I've used my own voice, these ones are quite new so I still need some time." I say as the waitress comes back with our orders.

We sit there for a bit, enjoying our drinks and food until Kohane squeals again catching all of us by surprise. "Vivid and Stray Dog are holding a concert next week! I'm so excited, I can't wait!"

"And where are you going to get the money to buy a ticket?" Shiho asks glancing over at her then returning her focus to the sheets and her food.

"Oh.. I didn't think of that." Kohane exhales in frustration.

"You've certainly made progress with your songs Toya, I'm sure they'll be heard by everyone one day." Kanade softly smiles.

"I agree." Shiho adds. "I have to get going now by the way, I've got band practice. Don't worry about paying, I will."

Shiho gets up and walks to the counter, she pays and waves at us as she leaves.

"I'll be leaving as well, I'm meeting with Honami." Kanade says getting up.

"Well I'll be heading back home, what about you Kohane?" I ask getting up as well and grabbing my bag.

"I'll be heading to the pet shop, I need to get some stuff for Count Pearl." She responds.

All three of us walk out of Weekend Garage and head our separate ways.


Waitress's (An's) pov

I watch as a table of four walk out after their meal. They are an interesting bunch, one of them even asked if we had ramen.

I walk over to the booth to start cleaning it up and set it for the next customers. There's a pile of paper left on there, I pick it up and skim through it.

"Are these.. song lyrics?" I say to myself. "No way, whoever wrote these are talented."

"Oi, An, stop slacking off." Akito growls.

"Hey look at these, they were left behind by a customer." I smile handing the sheets to Akito.

He skims over them, his expression changing as he continues to look over them. "Wow.. how could someone just leave these behind, which customer left these?"

"It was the boy with like half light blue, half dark blue hair." I say trying my best to describe what the songwriter looked like. "Do you think he'll come back for the lyric sheets?"

"Of course he would, we'll just leave it aside for when he comes back.. and we could make a deal with him as well." Akito smirks putting the sheets in a safer spot.

"And how are we going to do that with our disguises, we can't just go up to him and say we're Vivid and Stray Dog." I whisper.

"This is what we should do, when he comes back we say we've read some of the lyric, we say we have connections to help him make his songs popular, it's a win for him as a songwriter and a win for us as idols." He chuckles.

"And what if he refuses, huh?" I scoff leaning against a nearby wall.

"I doubt it, but if he does.. we'll bribe if we have to." He smirks.


Toya's pov

I make it back home, Saki is in the living room and Tsukasa is nowhere to be seen.. he's probably in his room.

I walk up to my bedroom, putting my bag on my desk chair.

"Well.. time to continue." I say to myself as I reach into my bag to grab the sheets from earlier today.


..Where are the lyric sheets?!


Creator's Note: I'm very excited to write this story and also have another one ready for when this one's done!

I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter, between finishing my previous story and starting this story, plus end of term assignments it's been very hard to stay motivated 🥹

1069 Words

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