"I like to think we're okay." Ensley whispered back, "I want everything go back to normal."

I sighed, looking down. "Except nothing about us was ever normal." I said, we were never just friends. I see that now.

"Celestine...I meant what I said. I love you. But I don't want to get in between you and Micah." Ensley said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I swallowed hard, unable to tear my eyes away from her. "But you did, Ensley. You came into my life and turned everything upside down. I don't know how to navigate these feelings anymore."

"I know," Ensley murmured. "I'm sorry for making things complicated. Believe me, I do. But we can't let our feelings ruin what we all have. I don't want to lose you as a friend, Celestine."

I nodded, understanding what she meant. We both wanted to preserve our relationship, but how could we do that when our feelings for each other ran so deep?

Before I could say anything else, Micah called out to us. "What's going on?"

Ensley quickly turned to him with a smile. "Oh, nothing, just discussing a technique," she said, her tone reassuring.

We went back to painting, the silence between us heavy with the weight of unspoken feelings. But I knew that before we could address what was happening between us, I needed to address what was happening with Micah.

My mind was still racing, trying to figure out what to do next. Should I stay with Micah and try to suppress my feelings for Ensley? Or should I take a chance and pursue a relationship with her, even if it meant risking everything with Micah?

It was hard to focus on my painting with all these thoughts in my head. But I tried my best, putting brush to canvas and letting the colors blend together. I stole a few glances at Ensley from time to time, wondering what she was thinking.

As the painting session drew to a close, I found myself feeling more confused than ever. I didn't know what to do, or who to choose. But one thing was clear - I couldn't keep pretending that everything was normal. Something had to give.

"Why don't we all have dinner together?" Micah suddenly suggested.

I looked at Ensley only to find her looking back at me already. Do you want me to go? Her eyes seemed to ask.

"Come on, we should celebrate my newfound painting skills." Micah joked, urging us to agree. We both turned to look at him and Ensley replied.

"Yeah sure. If it's okay with Celestine, then I'm fine with it."

Not seeing any reason to disagree, I nodded in response.

"Great, let's go." Micah replied, reaching out to take my hand. "Wanna ride with us Ensley?" He added.

Without missing a beat, Ensley replied. "Oh no, I'll just follow you guys in my car."

"Suit yourself." Micah said and with a shrug, we walked to his car.

I took a deep breath, hoping that tonight will be the night I finally figure out what I want.


Micah's POV:

As we sat around the table, the warm glow of the restaurant's ambient lighting enveloped us. The clinking of cutlery and soft chatter of other diners serves as background noise. I glanced at Ensley, trying to remain composed as we look over the menus.

I felt my suspicions grow stronger. Ensley is sitting next to Celestine, their arms touching. Celestine didn't seem to mind, but I felt a pang of jealousy.

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