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Mrs.Parker in MM.
Alohilani POV
Right now its 6:25 am && I have a feeling that im gonna be late today.

I lotioned my body then put my bra && panties on. I decided to wear a little color today as in color I mean white.

I put on a white lace floral dress with black sweater && my combat boots. I put on black lipstick && a quick coat of mascara.

Call me gothic all you want but im not I just feel like I can relate to this color.

I grabbed my coat && car keys , kissed a sleeping Mahealani then kissed a sleeping Robert. "Robert?" I shook him lightly.

He shifted && groaned.

"Robert im leaving ok?"

"Mmm Alohilani dont stop" he moaned rubbing his hands on his body.

I decided to record this so I can show him. "A- Alohilani damn girl fuck!"

I chuckled this shit funny. My alarm rung indicating it was 7:20 OH SHIT.

I ran outside && literally hopped in the car speeding to school.

I arrived to school at 7:25 damn I must've been going hella fast because my school is 10 mins away.

I walked in school && got my schedule its gonna be weird because I feel like a new girl. I was suppose to start school in September but the school wanted me so get more months off because my mother's death anniversary was coming.

Where is locker 228?

"224 226 ah 228" I breathed silently.

I put my coat && my books in my locker && shut it. I looked at my schedule to see what class I have first

Algebra so they probably think Im smart because of me mother?

Room 1085 here we go.

I went to about 3 floors looking for this class && still cant find it. Thats it I had enough.

I went to the office && asked the woman where the room is.

"Excuse me Miss where is room 1085?

"4th floor all the way down last class on the left" she said looking through files.

"Thanks so much" with that I left. Shit im taking this elevator idc if I get in trouble.

I finally got to the class && opened the door closely hoping nobody would notice but everyone did.

"Oh hello Ms.Iona"

I was about to say something but I frozed. This teacher looked just like AJ. Wtf?

"Hi M-Ma'am" shit I stuttered. Bad Influence.

"Take you're seat right there"

I walked through the rows && tripped over some girl foot. She stuck it out like wtf I do to you?

Everybody started to laugh like ugh I hate highschool I just cant wait till I graduate.

I was starting to get up when I felt hands on my waist helping me get up.

"Are you ok?" She asked innocently smiling.

"Yea" I replied plainly.

I dusted myself off && sat in my seat. I took out my notebook , a pen , a pencil , && my journal. Im gonna be writing in it everyday at school.

Dear Maggie , I just got here && people is already picking on me. Im not the same little girl from before im much stronger && wont hold my tongue for anyone. So far a Ginger tripped me already. I wasnt even in the class for 5 mins! I refuse to get bullied anymore. A innocent Brunette helped me up , hopefully shes not gonna hurt me. November 15 2015 8:10 am.

A/N Maggie is the name of her journal.

I was just sitting in class when my phone started to ring. "Phone now Ms.Iona" the teacher said still writing on the board.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Because all our students know not have their phone out."

I gave her my phone then went back to my seat. *10 mins past* class started to get boring.

I opened my notebook to find myself doodling Robert && me holding hands. I started to think about him he is just so beautiful.

Am I in love with my protection? A random someone who just popped up out of nowhere? A boy sent by my "father"?

The bell rung && I started to grab my stuff till the teacher said "Ms.Iona && Ms.Reeves stay."

Me && the Brunette looked at each other && stayed.

"Now Ms. Reeves you are failing my class with a 59 I expect you to raise that grade"

"But Ma'am Algebra is really hard I dont know why they even put me in this class"

"I'll help you" I mumbled smiling

"Oh really?! Thank you so much!"


"Now Ms.Iona im keeping you're phone over night"

"Um negative you cant do that && its not my fault my phone rung in class" I argued.

"Yes I can because I'm your aunt"

Im shocked idk if I should believe her. "So you think your my aunt? no you're not because my mother would have told me about you"

"See thats it you're mother never did im AJ's twin sister." She smirked. Tf you smirking for?

"Well even if you are I dont know you" I took a step closer && snatched my phone from her.

"Lets go Bruny!" I was beyond pissed. Who did that woman think she is && if she really is my aunt idk what to say.

"What class do you have next?" Bruny semi-yelled.

I stopped which caused her to bump into me. I took a deep breath && calmly replied "science im so sorry"

"Oh me too! && you're good. Hopefully we can be friends maybe even bestfriends. I dont have many of those" she whispered the ending with her head down.

"Me either. Lets go, Bestfriend."

I swear she looked up so fast && smiled.

She showed me my way to the class && I peeked through the class eww Ginger is in this class too.

"So basically without atoms there wi- you're late" the teacher said.


"hush it Bruny" I snapped. "Listen that teacher Ms.James we just came from called us after then didnt give us a pass so back off her case && mine?"

"Ew if it isn't the girl who killed her mother?" Ginger smirked earning gasps from everyone even the teacher but not Bruny.

"I never killed my mother ever but you're life aint perfect either Ik it"

"No you dont"

"Oh really lets see?" I stared at her for about a good 3 mins reading her past "You're mother left when you were 4 then came back asking for more, poor daddy died when you were 6 making you rich."

"H-How you k-know that?"

"You're not hard at all"

She ran out of the class crying.

Everyone was staring at me. Jaws open , tears falling. I cant take this.

I walked out of class making my way to the office till Bruny came out. "Hey where you going?"

"Home you coming?"

"U-uh yeah."

I went to my locker && grabbed my stuff. So much for a good day huh?

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