Oh. (Chapter 1)

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You cautiously put on the headset with shaking hands...

Everything was black for a mere moment before you were thrown into a nauseatingly colorful circus-looking place. Everything looked so.. Weird.. Not to mention the loud music echoing throughout the entire structure.

You reached to take the headset off but only felt.. air.


You couldn't grab it. You tried a few more times before it sunk in. It really couldn't be taken off.

You began to panic, taking a few steps back as you take in surroundings.. Then, you bump into something. A few crashes and grunts can be heard from behind you.
You looked behind you, only to see a lavender rabbit in coral overalls, a white king chess piece in a purple robe, and a ribbon creature with a mask...

You let a small gasp, immediately feeling incredibly guilty for knocking them over. You attempt to reach out, giving them a hand, but none of them take it.

The bunny gets up, letting out a deep sigh. "Another one? Caine, is this seriously another character? Didn't we just get one? This is the second time I've gotten knocked down by someone new."

"Worry not, Jax! The more, the merrier!" Said an admittedly quite busty man with one of those chattering teeth toys for a head.

"Wh-" You stuttered. "What-... Where am I? Who--" You started, your voice beginning to shake.

A Raggedy-Ann looking girl started walking towards you "Hey, hey, you're fine. Pomni here is new too. She came about a week before you." She gave you a pat on the back, gesturing to a jester character. "I'm Ragatha, that's Jax--" She began, taking on the responsibility to introduce you to everyone.

----  About an hour later ---

After choosing your name and talking to the members for a bit, there was only one member who caught your eye. Kinger. He looked pretty out of it, and you hadn't really talked to him yet. Plus, he was a straight-up chess piece and not humanoid like the rest.
Last time you saw him, he went into that pillow fort.

(to be continued! im done writing for now omfg-- lmk if you want a second chapter)

A king and his kingdom. // Y/N x Kinger // The Amazing Digital CircusWhere stories live. Discover now