Hiking Birthday Trip

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It was early in the morning, the sun had just barely risen into the sky as a blaring alarm clock sounded in the brothers room as the leader of Brozone got up immediately from his bed.

"It's my birthday!!! Everyone get up!" John Dory yelled excitedly.

His younger brothers groaned, annoyed that their oldest brother woke them up so early in the morning it was barely 5:30am.

"Why did you have to wake us so early?" Clay complained, pulling the blanket over his head.

"Can't we.....go back to....sleep?" Spruce murmured tiredly as he fell asleep again.

"Not today! It's my birthday and that means I have decided what we will do!" John Dory explained.

"But isn't that what you do every day?" Clay yawned.

John Dory ignored Clay and pulled Spruce out of his bed and he fell to the ground which woke him back up.

"Ow! Dude why?!" Spruce rubbed his hip in pain.

"BECAUSE IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" John Dory shouted.

"What are we doing today?" Floyd tiredly rubbed his eyes.

"I'm so glad you asked! We are.... Drumroll please?" The eldest brother asked.

Spruce sighed as he did the drumroll for his older brother yawning as he did so.

"Going Hiking!" John Dory announced.

All the brothers looked slightly unimpressed as he announced what was just gonna be walking somewhere all day, they didn't exactly want to but he was playing the birthday card so they had no choice but to accept their fate, this was going to be a long day.

A little while later the brothers were packing their bags for the hiking trip, Grandma Rosiepuff noticed at the corner of her eye Clay was stuffing his bag with his prank stuff and immediately took it out.

"Grandma I need that!" Clay whined.

"Not today you don't, you can leave your pranking stuff at home ok?" Grandma Rosiepuff said.

"Ok.." Clay sighed in disappointment.

"Alright Branch, repeat after me ok?" Floyd was sitting with Branch as they waited to leave.

Branch cooed in response, smiling at his older brother.

"Try to say happy birthday" Floyd encouraged Branch so he could wish his eldest brother a happy birthday.

"Hap bibi!" Branch responded, not getting it quite right.

"Aww good try Branch, we'll work on it later" Floyd smiled.

"Boys do you have everything ready?" Grandma Rosiepuff asked.

"Yes Grandma" All the brothers responded.

"Let's go!!!" John Dory already made a headstart.

"Don't run off ok?" Grandma Rosiepuff reminded her eldest grandson.

John Dory gave a thumbs up as he was still a bit ahead but not too far so Grandma Rosiepuff can keep an eye on him, the other brothers followed at their grandma's pace as they made their way to John's chosen hiking adventure which was a mountain that was habited by lots of armadillos. As soon as they reached the start of the trail, Grandma Rosiepuff got them to wait for a minute.

"Now since it is John Dory's birthday, you boys can go on the trail by yourself, I'm trusting you that all of you will be safe. I'll be back here waiting with Branch, I want you all back before sunset ok?" Grandma Rosiepuff explained.

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