Chapter 2

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Mammon stepped out of his room, determined to put on a brave face and lighten up his spirits. He wanted to escape the weight of his despair, even if just for a little while. As he made his way to the living room, his heart sank at the sight before him.

There stood his brothers, gathered around MC, sharing laughter and genuine happiness. Mammon watched from the sidelines, feeling a pang of jealousy and inadequacy. It seemed like MC found joy and fulfillment in the company of his brothers, while he felt like an outsider, unable to connect on the same level.

He observed each of his brothers, admiring their unique qualities. Lucifer, the calm and collected Elder brother; Satan, the intellectual and mysterious one; Leviathan, the passionate and imaginative gamer; Asmodeus, the charming and stylish seducer; Beelzebub, the kind-hearted and food-loving soul; and Belphegor, the laid-back and sleepy mischief-maker. They all had something special to offer, something that made them stand out.

But as Mammon looked at himself, he couldn't help but feel empty. He believed he had nothing exceptional to offer, no special talent or captivating personality. He saw himself as the least interesting of his brothers, which only deepened his sense of unworthiness.

That night, Mammon decided to drown his sorrows in his usual vices. He ventured out to a nearby casino, hoping to find some distraction in gambling and drinking. At first, luck seemed to be on his side as he won several rounds, the thrill momentarily numbing his pain.

But as the night wore on and Mammon indulged in alcohol, his judgment became clouded. He began to make reckless bets, losing more and more with each game. The high of the wins was quickly replaced by the crushing weight of defeat, amplifying his feelings of inadequacy.

As Mammon stumbled out of the casino, his pockets empty and his heart heavy, he couldn't escape the reality of his situation. He felt like a failure, incapable of finding solace even in his vices. The emptiness within him seemed to grow stronger, consuming any semblance of joy or relief.

With a heavy sigh, Mammon made his way back to the Devildom, his steps sluggish and his mind clouded. Tomorrow would be another day, another chance to face his demons and find a way to overcome his insecurities.

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