Chapter 1

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Mammon's room was a mess of treasures and trinkets, a reflection of his impulsive nature. The shelves were filled with stolen artifacts, each one telling a story of Mammon's mischievous adventures. However, today, the room felt unusually somber, as if a heavy cloud of sadness hung in the air.

As MC stepped into Mammon's room, they couldn't help but feel the weight of his despair. Mammon sat on his bed, his head in his hands, his golden eyes clouded with melancholy. The room was silent, save for the occasional sigh that escaped from Mammon's lips. It was clear that something was deeply troubling him.

"Hey, human," Mammon said, attempting to put on a brave face. "What brings ya here? Ya caught me in a moment of weakness, but don't think too much of it!"

MC approached Mammon cautiously, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Mammon, is everything alright? You seem different today."

Mammon let out a hollow laugh, but it was clear that his usual boisterous energy was nowhere to be found. "Me? Different? Nah, I'm just the same old Mammon, the Great Mammon!"

MC could see through Mammon's facade, sensing the pain that lay beneath his playful demeanor. She took a seat next to him, offering a comforting presence.

"Mammon, you don't have to pretend with me. I can tell something's bothering you. You can talk to me if you want," MC said softly.

Mammon hesitated for a moment, his mask slipping slightly. He looked into the reader's eyes and saw genuine care and understanding reflected back at him. In that moment, he felt a flicker of hope.

"I... I appreciate it, human, Maybe... Maybe I could use someone to talk to," Mammon confessed, his voice filled with vulnerability.

MC nodded, encouraging him to share his burden. "I'm here for you, Mammon. You can trust me."

Mammon took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Ya know, being the Avatar of Greed, everyone expects me to be this confident and carefree demon. But the truth is, I'm not as strong as they think."

MC reached out, placing a hand on Mammon's shoulder as she listens. Mammon looked down, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've always felt like I'm not good enough, like I'm constantly overshadowed by my brothers. I want to be seen as more than just the bumblin' fool, but it's hard to break free from that image."

MC squeezed his shoulder gently, her voice filled with warmth. "Mammon, you are so much more than what others perceive you to be. You have a big heart, and you care deeply for those around you. Don't let anyone, including yourself, diminish your worth."

A tear slipped down Mammon's cheek, and he wiped it away fast as he moves his gaze away, a mixture of gratitude and sadness in his eyes. "Thank ya, human. It means a lot to me that ya see me for who I truly am."

MC smiled softly. "You're welcome, Mammon. You're not alone, I'm by your side"

And so, in the quiet solitude of Mammon's room, MC and Mammon began to unravel the layers of his sadness. As the night wore on, Mammon shared the weight of his despair, his fears, and insecurities, finding solace in the understanding and support of MC.

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