Paperwork - Yuta x Megumi

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modern AU 

(Yuta and Megumi are dating and live in a small apartment together)

Megumi was sitting on a chair, knees to the chest while leading on the backboard, he was watching Yuta as he was doing paperwork at the nearby desk. He looked zoned in on his work, flipping through the pages one after another. 

Megumi noticed that Yuta was Squinting his eyes opening and closing as if he was about to fall asleep.

Megumi's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist commenting about something to get Yuta out of his daze, "Yuta, do you need glasses for reading? I've never seen you wear them before." His voice was soft and inquisitive, trying not to disrupt Yuta's concentration too much.

Yuta turned on his chair to look over at Megumi "I don't need glasses, plus they wouldn't look good on me, you probably wouldn't like the sight." he chuckles. 

Megumi smiled at Yuta's response and chuckled softly. "I think you'd look cute in them," he said. "But it's surprising to see you squinting like that. Is everything alright ?" Megumi's concern was genuine, "You've looked tired these past few days, I don't want you to push yourself on paperwork.." Megumi frowned

Yuta softly smiled at Megumi "I'm fine, I'm not pushing myself" But in fact, he was, By the time Yuta was done with the work Megumi would already be asleep, and by the time he woke up Yuta would be gone. 

Megumi looks up at Yuta through his arms, He shuffles off the chair making his way toward Yuta. He hesitates but gently gets up on top of Yuta straddling his waist. Yuta was surprised by his actions but moved his hands down to Megumi's waist to keep him stable. 

Megumi cups Yuta's face moving it side to side as he inspects it" You have got eye bags though.. and always look exhausted when I see you.."

"Gumi.." yuta frowns

"You never want to do anything anymore just work, I mean Is your work more important than me..."

Yuta didn't know how to respond to that comment. 

"Sorry, that sounded bad.." Megumi says taking his hands off of Yuta "I mean what I'm asking is that, can't you at least take one day off so we can hang out and be like a.... couple?" Megumi leans forward to place his head agents Yuta's shoulder. 

"Gumi... You know I can't just take a day off ill be too behind on all the work" He frowns feeling guilty

 Megumi stayed straddling Yuta, his hands gently placed on Yuta's shoulders as he looked into his eyes with a mix of concern and longing. Yuta's guilt was evident in his expression, and Megumi could sense the internal struggle he was facing.

With a soft and understanding tone, Megumi spoke, "I know your work is important, Yuta, and I don't want to make you feel guilty about it. But, we're important too. Maybe we can find a compromise, like a few hours of quality time, or even a short outing? It doesn't have to be a whole day off, just something to help us reconnect and relax."

Megumi leaned in to plant a sweet,  kiss on Yuta's lips. "I don't want you to overwork yourself, but please come to bed tonight.." 

"I'll do my best to wrap things up tonight, Gumi," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.  

Megumi smiled and leaned in for another lingering kiss, their lips meeting. "Thank you, Yuta," he whispered softly against Yuta's lips. "well hurry up because I'm tired and I know you are too."

With that, Megumi shifted back and stood up, leaving Yuta to finish his work, planting one more kiss on Yuta's cheek.

time skip

Megumi was lying on the bed not paying attention to his surrounding knees up to his chest as he scrolled through his phone.

Megumi looked up from his phone to see Yuta walking into the room. He couldn't help but smile as he watched Yuta's approach, appreciating the sight of his partner. "Hey, Yuta," Megumi greeted warmly, his voice filled with affection. "Finished your work for the night?"

Yuta nodded, his expression softening as he joined Megumi on the bed. He leaned in to give him a loving kiss. Megumi sets down his phone before wrapping his arms around Yuta's neck, the kiss ends and Megumi gives a smile, pulling Yuta closer and making him sink into the bed. 

"love you Yutaaaaaa!" Megumi says cheerfully but quietly.

Yuta can't help but lean into the touch "Love you to Gumi."

Soom after Megumi feels Yuta's body go limp, he chuckles at the sight of the vulnerable and tired taller male. "knew you were tired" he chuckles stoking Yutas hair

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