20. HER First Priority

Start from the beginning

Hours later, he reached home and it was a bright evening and Manik was in the living room.

"Dad..." He called and Manik smiled at him and stood to hug him.

Ritika quickly came towards him by hearing his voice and then came his grandparents and he took their blessings.

His eyes searched for a moment and his heart thumped in his throat seeing the gloomy faces of his family.

"Mumma...!?" He asked slowly and they didn't utter a word making him more restless.

"Dad...Where's mumma...!?? Ritika...Just someone tell me where's Mumma...!?" He asked being frustrated of the silence.

"Aaru..." Nandini just entered from outside and he heaved a sigh of relief and sprinted to hug his mother.

"I'm fine Aaru..." She said ruffling his hairs and he wiped his tears and gulped the lump that has formed at the back of his throat.

But soon his relief turned into a frown and asked "Where's Nani...!?"

Nandini looked down and he asked again "Mumma...Where's Nani...!?"

"She is in hospital" Ritika said and he turned to her with a lot of questions in his head.

Understanding his questions, she handed the hospital file to him and he quickly turned to the diagnosis page and shocked saying "What...!!!"

"Cancer...Final stage..." Ritika said and he asked with tears "When did you guys got to know...!?"

"2 months back...Nani ji knows it 4 months back itself...She didn't tell anyone of us until we found her unconscious one day..." She replied and he softly yelled "Why didn't you guys inform me...!???"

"Aapka exams hai...Amma Appa didn't want you to get deviated...and Nani ji also said not to inform you till your semester is done..." Ritika said and he held his head and then hugged his mother who was sitting beside him.

He has gone through the reports again and again and Ritika placed her hand on his shoulder to say "We hardly have 2 months senior..."

"I want to see her...Dad...Mumma..." He said and they nodded and drove to the hospital.

All his talks to the doctors, specialists were of no use and he too understood that. He finally went to the room where his grandmother was kept and just then the nurse said "You can go home...We will have the next session after a week..."

"Nani..." Aarush called out and Shobhana smiled widely seeing her only grandchild after so long.

She opened her arms to hug him and he hugged her tight. Right from his childhood, he has seen the strongest lady in his grandmother. He always heard Nandini saying how she brought her up all alone after her father passed away. Out of the 3 grandparents, she has pampered him the most and taught him the most valuable lessons of life.

"Rothe nai bacha..." She said breaking the hug and wiped his tears with a smile.

"Chal...We will go home..." She said and the family returned home without a word exchanged throughout the ride.

The whole atmosphere was silent till the dinner and Shobhana spoke "Arey bhai why are you all this silent...!!! My grandson is here after a year...Atleast be happy for that..."

Aarush sat near her legs and kept his head on her lap and asked "You should have atleast told us Nani...when you got to know..."

"Kyun...!?? You are already practicing like how to be on my funeral...Mujhe nai dekhna hai yeh sab..." She said dramatically and when Nandini looked at her with pooled eyes, she sighed and said "Everyone just listen to me...When I got to know about my health, I knew there are no chances left...I didn't want to spend my last days in hospital and neither I want to see you guys like this..."

MaNan SS - Your Senior (Sequel to My Senior) ✅Where stories live. Discover now