Chapter 6: Why do you leave me?

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Bridget's POV
After talking to my dad about how I was sorry for what I did. We hugged and didn't want to let go of each other. Everything I said was true, I am sorry and I am living a lie. I went outside and saw that the camp was well set up. A perimeter fence was set up and tents of massive size were all over the place. I looked around and saw Dean sitting by a fire. I walked over to him and smiled. To be honest, he was quite attractive. He was tall, had beautiful green eyes, and a strong jaw. I sat on the log with him and looked at him. "I'm sorry about what my raptor did." I told him and he nodded. "It's okay, sorry I shot you." he said and I nodded back. He and I talked for a bit and found out he joined the coast guard with his brother. He joined so he can help people, and make families happy. I understood everything he just said. I couldn't help but feel I was falling for him. We talked some more until we heard the Rex roar. I jumped out of my seat and went into action. I continued to run until I came across Rex, who looked at me with concern. She motioned her head, almost saying for me to follow her. We kept running until we got to the cave the raptors often stayed in. I entered to see Blue, laying on the floor. I ran over to her and saw that her eyes looked like they were bloodshot. She was breathing heavily, and I saw some blood come from her mouth. She must be sick or something, but no dinosaur has gotten sick on this island. Blue's eyes began to grow heavy and I looked closer at her. She almost had a look that's said "I'm sorry". She then closed her eyes. "Come on Blue, this isn't a joke." I said shaking her. "Blue?" I asked still shaking her. I checked her breathing to find she wasn't breathing anymore. I began to panic, I checked her heart beat and saw she didn't have a pulse. I looked up at her face and began to cry. "NO!" I screamed while sobbing. "Please! I need you! Your my best friend! Please!" I sobbed. Echo came up behind me and rubbed her head on my back while I cradled Blues head. I began to scream and sobbed. I lost one of my best friends today. I slowly and shakily stood and made my way to the river. I picked up a flat stone and began to skip stones. I was throwing one, then two, then three, the ten, the thirty. I was just throwing rocks now. I-I-I don't know what to do. I fell to my knees and sobbed into my hands. Why does this happen to me? Why?

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