Unravelling Obsession

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Jane stared daggers at the woman laughing and smiling with her Mike. They looked so happy together, completely unaware of the storm that was brewing inside of Jane.

Ever since they started dating 2 years ago, Jane had done everything she could to keep Mike to herself. She smothered him with affection, cuts off contact with his friends, and stalked his social media to monitor who he talks to. Mike was hers, and she couldn't stand the thought of him leaving her for someone else.

But now, it was happening. Mike announced he was marrying this Amber girl next spring. Jane felt the rage build inside her until she thought she would explode. How dare he betray her like this after everything she had done for him!

The day of the rehearsal dinner came. Jane bought a nice dress and did her hair and makeup to look stunning. She would go to the dinner and confront Mike, to make him see reason. As she watched Mike and Amber laughing together at their table, the dam finally broke.

Jane strode over and dumped her glass of red wine all over Amber's white dress. As Amber shrieked in shock, Jane turned to Mike, eyes wide with crazed obsession. "You can't leave me Mike! I won't let you!" she screamed.

Chaos erupted as guests tried to restrain the deranged Jane. Her obsession had driven her to the brink, and now there was no going back. Behind bars was the only place left for her now, as her bottled up insanity was finally unraveled for all to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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