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Cupid in Chains

Chapter VI


"How's Rosé and Jisoo?" My mom asked as she busy herself stirring the pot. We were at the kitchen chitchatting while she's the one cooking dinner and I'm slicing the ingredients.

"Uhm they are good, they got back together now. They just need a little talk" I responded as I slice the cabbages in half.

"That's good to hear, I can't imagine Jisoo with someone else" My mom continues.

Mom had seen how Jisoo and Rosé grow as a couple, we would always hang out in the house when we were in college, spending our sem-break in the house watching movies and have my mom cook for us. They love spending time in our house cause mom would always cook home cook meals. That's why when I told her about Jisoo and Rosé break up months ago she was also devastated and was rooting for their comeback as a couple.

Silence fall upon us as I'm trying to figure out how to tell my mom about the thing that happened to me as I left South Korea.

My mom was humming a song as she added the ingredient I sliced. I sigh as I lean back at the counter watching my mom, her back was on me as she faces the stove and continue cooking.

"Rubyjane." My mom called softly waking me from my reverie. She's always fond on calling me that name, maybe because she's the one insisted on naming me that, as my dad told me my mom was a sucker for old movies and one of her favorite character was named Rubyjane.

"yeah?" I ask as my mom face me.

"What is it sweetheart? You've been sighing all day. Is there something bothering you? You have been like this since you came back home yesterday. Did something happened?" My mom asks concerned as she came close to me and held both my hand.

I look down at our hands as I felt my eyes watered. There at my ring finger lies the reminder of the consequence of the decision I made. The gold band on my ring finger symbolize the cage I willingly sign myself into.

My mom eyes widen as she held both my cheeks as tears continue to fall from my eyes, worry was itch on her face as she stares at me.

"Oh, sweetheart what's wrong? You can tell me" She cooed and I felt like I've been transported to highschool again as my mom would comfort me every time something bad happened.

"I-I'm planning on moving to South Korea mom" I quietly said and my mom look at me confused as she wipes my tears. "But I don't wanna leave you and dad"

"Why? You already build your dream clinic here and already made a name for yourself" Mom asks surprise with my decision.

"I'm being offered a big amount of salary, it could pay all my student debt and could mean more support I could give to you and dad. You two could rest and go on vacation" I lied as I stare down.

I can't lie looking at my mom eyes. She will know right away.

"Rubyjane, I told you, you don't have to worry about me and your dad. Our store is already enough to support the two of us and you've been giving us more than we could ask for. We don't need much more, we're happy of what we already have" She held my chin and made me look at her. "We only want to see you happy with what you do"

"But I want to mom, it's a big opportunity. I'm just sad to leave you and dad here" I tried to reason.

I don't wanna leave my mom and dad. Yes, I've been living alone since I was 20 in a different city in my own apartment but it just it. Home is just a couple hours away, and if I miss my mom and dad I could just drove home to them anytime. But being in another country is a different case, it could mean months to see my parents if I ever miss them.

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