Chapter 4: The Fights

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"Luffy" mum spoke again "would you mind spending some time with your sister? I want you guys to have a nice relationship as siblings. It's okay if you don't like each other. Just make sure to tolerate each other's company and get to know one another. And as for Hancock-chan, she doesn't need to worry about Nami." Luffy was in deep thoughts.

"Okay, today Zoro,Sanji and Robin will come. Do you wanna join us?"

"Is it okay If I do?" I asked and he nodded. "Then yes" I thought about it for a couple of seconds. "Is Hancock coming?"

"No. Her sister's having her birthday and they are going on a sleepover party."

"Oh, that's nice." I whispered.

The rest of the breakfast was calm, excapt for Luffy's and Dragon's voices when they tried to steal each other's food.

Night had rolled around and me and Luffy got ready for the party. By that I mean that me with the help of amazing Dadan-san made the food, Luffy hung the decorations which were terrible and I had to adjust them and I also made sure the music was loud and nice. Luffy had decided to extend the guest list and invited Ace, Sabo, Franky, Chopper, Zoro, Robin, Sanji, Usopp and Brook. Brook said something about being too old to party and his bones felt achy.

The guest arrived and I greeted them smiling while introducing myself to everyone. Me and Robin sat on the sofa and got to know each other.

"So, Nami, what kind of men are you interested in?" I blushed in deep thought.

"Mmm, I don't know... I always thought I liked tall, blond and strong men."


"How about you?" I asked returning the question.

"A particular green haired, musculed man who's hobbies are swords and fighting. Also, he has a terrible sense of direction.

"That was... Very specific" she laughed covering her mouth with her hand.

"Yo!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Ace. He looked cute. His hair were styled carefully and his clothes suit him perfectly.


"I'll leave you too alone. Talk to you later Nami-san" Robin smiled and left.

"So, how's it going?" He asked leaning closer to me so he'd be able to hear me.

"All's good"

"That's nice to hear" I could sense a deadly aura behind me. I looked back and saw Luffy laughing at Usopp's joked. I must have mistaken what I felt. "Nice party"


"You look good!" He complimented me. I checked myself out to make sure everything was fine and straightened my black skirt. I was wearing a hot pink strapless top and a black mini skirt along with black glossy high hills and a black leathered jacket.

"Thank you! You look super cute, too" He blushed slightly and smiled leaning closer.

"How about we go somewhere privetly?" He suggested. I got where this was going but I felt uneasy. He took notice of that and felt embarrassed. "I mean, If you don't want to that's totally fine!"

"No, it's okay, I trust y-" a loud slamming sound interupted me and I turned my gaze back on the table where Luffy was sitting across of us. He seamed angry.

"Ace, why are you talking with her?" I stood there flabbergasted and socked.

"What to you mean, bro?"

"I think you just want to fuck her but she's my sister. I won't let you do it"

"What's the problem with that?"

"I know we're brothers but don't approach her again. Especially, if you have a dirty reason in mind. She's my fucking sister." My gaze was moving like a ping pong ball between their bickering.

"Do you want to fuck her, Luffy? She's your sister, don't be sick"

"That's not what I said. I just know that there's nothing deeper in your relationships than just fucking and I don't want you to do that to my sister"

"I don't want to hear that from the guy that's in relationship with someone that bribed him with meat and some nice sex to be in a relationship with them." Luffy gritted his teeth and rushed outside. Ace did the same going to the opposite direction huffing enraged.

I sat there motionless, not knowing who to go after.

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