Chapter 1: The Announcement

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Mom was sitting across from me on the round table, Nojiko on my side. Her face indicated seriousness and she nervously tapped her legs trying to break the news.

"My beautiful daughters" she started and my heartbeat grew faster. All kind of thoughts passing through my mind. I grabbed Nojiko's hand. "As you've noticed, I've been feeling lonely lately." I nodded, motivating her to go on. "That's why I decided to start dating." My jaw dropped. "I've been seeing a man for the past 4 months. He's kind, generous, loving, handsome, amaz-"

"Yeah, we get it, go on" Nojiko interupted. Mom cleared her throat before continuing.

"So, after giving it some thought and seeing how Nojiko's in uni now, away from home, plus this apartment is too small... "

"Yes...?" I butted in and sighed.

"Me and Dragon decided to move in together." She broke the news finally.

"You mean... Us too?"

"Of course. His house is bigger and closer to Nojiko's university."

"But we don't know this man!" I said feeling the anger raising inside me like an untamed fire.

"That's why we arranged a dinner for tomorrow."

"A dinner with the three of us and a stranger man?" Nojiko asked carefully.

"... And his son" mom added.

"What?!" I screamed unhappy with her decision. She never asked us how we'd feel about it. I'll have to move away from my current highschool leaving my friends behind. I'll have to go through this stress for no reason.

"I'm so sorry sweethearts... I should have told you sooner but I was afraid our relationship wouldn't last long and you'd be disappointed in me" she claimed her eyes tearing up. Nojiko got up and hugged her. I felt awful for thinking about my happiness over hers. I'll be leaving for university next year anyway, so what's the point of spoiling it now? It was just a year.

I got up as well and joined the group hug.

"It's okay mom, we'll support you." I whispered. She teared up sobbing.

"I love you so much, my sweeties"



Dad came back from work smiling and told me he needed to talk to me about something. He took a shower and ate some leftovers for dinner before knocking on my bedroom's door.



"Can I came in?"

"Yeah" He entered my room before pinching his nose.

"Oh my God! It smells so bad in here. When was the last time you threw away your food garbage?"

"Don't remember"

"Please do that..." I stared at him. "NOW!" He shouted and I stood up straight before he exited the room.

"Dad wait!" I shouted " You said you needed to talk to me about something, what was it?"

"Uhhh what was it? Actually, I don't remember" with that he closed the door behind him and I started cleaning my room, mainly throwing away the garbage and putting my clothes in the laundry basket. Dragon was not a man you'd like to shout at your face twice.

Stepping in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora