Date 2/2

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Helloooooooo~ this is the second and finale part of date, I hope you enjoy!

"Master Damian, where to first?" Jeeves said, finally back to his normal self. Damian sat still, trying to process the whole scene from before. Anya poked him. "AH! Um, what was that? Sorry..." He fixed his posture and put on his seatbelt. "He asked where we're going first, Sy-on boy!" Anya said way too excited to notice she was invading his space. He instantly pushed her face away from him with red cheeks. "Sit down and put on your seat belt!" She sat down right next to him, despite the endless room, and smiled for no apparent reason. (Not a thought behind those eyes...) Anya looked at him curiously. (What is that suppose to mean?) Damian flinched and looked away as if her gaze burned him. "Um we can go uh..."
(Shoot! What did I have planned first!? If I take out my list, that dummy will surely stick her nose, so what do I do!?) The nosey girl in question stared at him. Damian sighed. "Um so, do you want to go to a shopping district? O-or maybe the theatre? Orrr maybe a restaurant-wait no! It's too early for dinner!" (I almost forgot that my reservation isn't till 6:30!) Anya's mouth watered. (We're gonna eat dinner? Oh! Anya has to focus, Sy-on boy is losing his thoughts so I have to help him.) She said the first thing that came into her mind. "Anya wants to go to the park!" Her whole face beamed of excitement. "The park!?" Damian's face was drained of light and replaced with a judgemental stare. (Doesn't this girl understand that we're on a-) His thoughts were interrupted when he felt something soft touch his hand. He looked down and saw Anya holding his hand as she looked out the window of the car, happily swinging her legs back and forth. "Um...take us to a near by park Jeeves, s-someplace p-pretty..." He says in a soft voice.
(I guess the park can be nice...we could take a walk, and talk I guess...) His beating heart urged him to look out the window before his eyes traced back to their hands.

They sat in silence, Anya was still happily looking out the window and Damian was still trying to keep his gaze outside the window. Sometimes Anya would hear bits and pieces of his thoughts, usually along the lines of "soft" and "warm." After calming down a bit, Damian's thoughts became clearer. (She looks so...pretty...did she notice how much effort I put into my outfit too? I wonder if she thinks it looks nice...) Anya turned to look at him, surprised by his thoughts. (Sy-on boy thinks I'm cute?!) Her heart felt warm and she showed it on her face with a cheerful smile. (Papa says to always return a compliment, so Anya should say his outfit is nice too!) She then inspected him thoroughly... (Alright, time for super starlight vision! Hmm One, two...three layers! Sy-on boys wearing lots of layers, does that mean he's cold? Oh and he has fancy ooting pants just like papa, what could that mean? Ooooh! His shoes are super shiny~) Damian stared wide eyed at Anya. She was looking at him with such an intense look it made his heart stop. "Hmm? Ah-" Their eyes met and they both froze. One from being caught, the other beat red from meeting eyes

"W-what are you staring at!? Is there something on my face or something!?" His mind became a scrambled mess. "Huh? No I was just looking at your ooting clothes. They're really nice Sy-on boy! I like your shiny shoes!" She nodded in approval of his shiny shoes. Damian went completely red, his eyes widened and his lips quivered trying to form words. Jeeves eyes sharpened. (You can do this master Damian...thank her for the compliment and retaliate with an elegant compliment about her dress!) Anya waited in anticipation after the hype she heard from Jeeves. But the car remained silent...all the way to their destination.

"...We've arrived master Damian." Damian hummed in response.

Jeeves stepped out and made his way to the other side to open the door for the two kids. Damian quickly stepped out. "I-I want to hold the door!" He unintentionally yelled. Anya steps out of the car with a small smile
"Thank you very much!" She says as she dusts her clothes off beside Damian. He looked away with a small blush. "Uh-yeah!"
He cleared his throat and looked up at Jeeves. "Th-thank you Jeeves, I'll tell you when we are ready to leave." Jeeves nods, an almost unnoticeable smile on his face. He makes his way back into the drivers seat and rolls down the window so he can keep an eye on the two. Damian is then instantly met with the same sensation he felt in the car. "Wh-why are you still holding my hand!" He complains yet he doesn't let go. Anya looks up at him with a face that makes him feel like he's dumb. "Papa always says to hold his hand when going on ooting's, does Sy-on boy not know?" Damian glares at her judgemental stare. "Sh-shut up! Let's just keep going!" He pulls her along with him and Anya's mood quickly shifts. A big smile spreads across her face and she begins to swing their intertwined hands. Damian tries to fights back the urge to blush but fails. "Going on an ooting~ la~ la la la~" She sings. "It's outing." Anya looks up at him with curious eyes. "Hm? That's what I said?" He rolls his eyes. "Nevermind." As they're walking, Damian had to admit, it was pretty nice out. They were in mid April, so all the flowers were in full bloom, and the trees looked ethereal with their healthy, vibrant leaves. They walk in a peaceful silence, still swinging their hands, but now more gently and more natural. Their minds were empty of any significant thoughts, there was nothing weighing them down, just the cool breeze, the warmth in their hands, and gentle smiles. But of course this moment has to end eventually, and who better to end it than Anya Forger.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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